You can now pet the Bugsnax in Bugsnax

We once asked Young Horses if you could pet the Bugsnax, and at the time, it seemed like a no-go. Now, coming up on launch day, you can pet the Bugsnax. Coincidence? Perhaps not.


Here at Shacknews, we’re humble. We don’t go around tooting our own horn like we deserve anything. We just do our best and let the results speak for us. We’ve been following and covering Bugsnax very closely since Young Horses and Sony first announced the game for PS5, and in a previous interview, the developers told us that there was no way to pet the Bugsnax at the time. Well, things have changed, and a pretty much perfect looking game has become even more perfect. We’re happy to announce that you apparently can now pet the Bugsnax.

This revelation was discovered fairly recently, as pointed out by the popular gaming Twitter, Can You Pet The Dog?, which covers whether or not you can pet the puppers in various popular games. In case you missed our extensive interview with Young Horses and Bugsnax lead Phil Tibitoski, Bugsnax previously could not be pet. At the time Tibitoski mentioned that it might be weird to try to pull it off.

It was what it was at the time. We did our best to carry in spite of the setback, but it would appear that detail has changed leading up to Bugsnax’s official launch on November 12 as PS5's first PS Plus game and things are now right and well in the world. See for yourself below. You can now seemingly pet the Bugsnax in Bugsnax.

Now, we’re not going to say we made this happen, but if the timeline of our interview to this reveal is to be believed, we at least made sure Young Horses knew it was a possibility well worth exploring. You can now pet the Bugsnax in Bugsnax, and that’s a great little feature to have, given the myriad variety of cute edible critters in the game.

Want to know more about the pettable Bugsnax and the world they live in? Be sure to check out our full Bugsnax review to see what we thought of the game. And… you know… you’re welcome, maybe?

Senior News Editor

TJ Denzer is a player and writer with a passion for games that has dominated a lifetime. He found his way to the Shacknews roster in late 2019 and has worked his way to Senior News Editor since. Between news coverage, he also aides notably in livestream projects like the indie game-focused Indie-licious, the Shacknews Stimulus Games, and the Shacknews Dump. You can reach him at and also find him on BlueSky @JohnnyChugs.

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