Destiny 2: Beyond Light launch trailer welcomes Guardians to a new era

The new launch trailer for Destiny 2: Beyond Light gives players another quick look at Europa and the upcoming expansion launching next month.


Destiny 2: Beyond Light is the next expansion set to hit the sci-fi shooter this year, and as fans prepare for the November 10 release date, Bungie is stepping in to bump up the hype a little with a new launch trailer.

The trailer gives players another good look at the upcoming content, showing off things we’ve already seen. This includes brief glimpses of Europa, the expansion’s main antagonist, and a look at some of the new powers coming to Guardians’ arsenals later this year.

Beyond Light is a big expansion for Destiny 2, because it will also change up the state of the game from the past three years. Older content—including planets, quests, and the like—will be vaulted and removed from the game to save some of the space that Destiny 2 has grown to take up on your hard drive. While a welcome change, it’s also going to be weird not seeing some of those iconic Destiny 2 locations on your Director.

You can check out the Destiny 2: Beyond Light launch trailer yourself via the embed above. In Beyond Light, players will travel to a new location, where they’ll unlock the new Stasis abilities. The Exo Stranger—one of the most intriguing characters the series has introduced—will also make an appearance in the expansion, fighting alongside Guardians as they take on Eramis, the Kell of Darkness and her Fallen army.

Destiny 2: Beyond Light will quite drastically change the way that Guardians explore the world of Destiny. The upcoming expansion is set to release on November 10 for PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox. You can get a good look at the roadmap for Destiny 2: Beyond Light, as well as the Season of the Hunt, the next season that is coming to the game right here on Shacknews.

Guides Editor

Joshua holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Creative Writing and has been exploring the world of video games for as long as he can remember. He enjoys everything from large-scale RPGs to small, bite-size indie gems and everything in between.

From The Chatty
  • reply
    October 29, 2020 9:55 AM

    Josh Hawkins posted a new article, Destiny 2: Beyond Light launch trailer welcomes Guardians to a new era

    • P90 legacy 10 years
      October 29, 2020 3:09 PM

      Removing two+ expansions worth of content is not "a welcome change".

      • reply
        October 29, 2020 3:30 PM

        Removing two+ expansions worth of content is not "a welcome change".

        Content that was played by 0.5% of the playerbase in the months leading up to the decision to vault it temporarily.
        Most people played it long ago and various resources would be wasted trying to maintain it along with the current focus of the game.

        So yeah. Nobody will be shedding too many tears.

      • reply
        October 29, 2020 4:47 PM

        Think of it as a preview of the future because at some point the servers will go dark and you won't be able to play any of it.

      • reply
        October 29, 2020 5:08 PM

        Is the removal due to file sizes and space limitations on console systems?

        • reply
          October 29, 2020 5:12 PM

          That's the easy to explain version. The game is a QA nightmare and removing parts of the game that were getting little to no engagement makes it "easier" to test.

        • reply
          October 29, 2020 6:00 PM

          That plays a factor. The temporarily removed content accounts for around 25gigs.
          But it was also unplayed and not relevant for a while. (As I said above, 0.5% of players accessed it in the months leading up to it getting vaulted)
          Then on top of all of that, it was an extra huge load of work for QC with every patch / release.

          • reply
            October 29, 2020 6:04 PM

            It was also very confusing for newer players coming in and seeing a bunch of seasonal events that were ghost towns.
            They’d have matchmaking but if nobody is playing them, do you want people queuing for 15+ mins?

    • reply
      October 29, 2020 5:05 PM

      I am fascinated by Destinys obsession with classic rock songs.

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