How to fix Genshin Impact slow download speeds

Trying to download Genshin Impact on PC but running into slow download speeds? You aren't alone. Here's a quick fix that will help you out.


Genshin Impact is a new free-to-play Breath of the Wild inspired MMO. The game seems to be taking the world by storm, but unfortunately, many players have found themselves running into slow download speeds when trying to install it on PC. If you’re one of the many running into these issues, then we can help.

How to fix Genshin Impact slow download speeds

Unfortunately, many players looking to dive into Genshin Impact on PC have found themselves struggling to download the game. The launcher appears to run into some kind of throttling issue, and when downloading it myself, I found that the game was downloading at a snail’s pace of 0.31 MB/s when I have Fiber internet with speeds up to 1GB down. This was insane to me, as I’d just spent 2 minutes downloading a fairly large file at around 50 MB/s on the exact same connection.

How to fix Genshin Impact slow download speeds
Many players are seeing slow download speeds despite having fast internet.

Nobody is really sure what has caused the issues with downloading Genshin Impact on PC, but the fix for the problem is pretty simple. To fix your slow download speeds, you’re going to want to close the launcher and completely restart it. While that might seem easy enough, the fix itself won’t be noticeable immediately. In fact, I had to restart my launcher roughly 15 times before getting the download to kick up a notch and even then I was only able to get it to download at around 1.5 MB/s. Still, that’s better than 0.31 MB/s, so I’ll take it. Some users have also reported you can simply pause and unpause the download, though I had more success restarting the launcher completely.

If you’ve been struggling with slow download speeds while trying to install Genshin Impact, you aren’t alone. Try restarting your launcher and you should be able to at least speed the process up a bit. It’s still unclear whether the issue is actually a glitch as some have reported, or if the problem itself is due to the launcher throttling download speeds.

Guides Editor

Joshua holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Creative Writing and has been exploring the world of video games for as long as he can remember. He enjoys everything from large-scale RPGs to small, bite-size indie gems and everything in between.

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  • reply
    September 30, 2020 3:00 PM

    Josh Hawkins posted a new article, How to fix Genshin Impact slow download speeds

    • reply
      September 30, 2020 3:31 PM

      This isn't a fix, Josh.. And that is barely an increase in speed. People have reported getting a free vpn and pointing to Hong Kong and getting 30mb/s

      • reply
        September 30, 2020 4:12 PM

        That did not work for me. Tried a few different places. But after going back and just trying the restart method got mine up to about 3-6mb/s. Think it is probably just connecting to a random download server each time you try the download. Just a luck of the draw at which server you get iguess.

      • reply
        October 1, 2020 6:33 AM

        I had no luck with the VPN trick. Which is why it wasn’t included here.

        It might not be a huge increase, but it is a fix, albeit a small one. It took my download time from 10+ hours to around 5 and a half. I consider that a win.

    • reply
      October 2, 2020 12:08 PM

      Thanks for the tip, this increased my DL speed from .031mb/s to 13mb/s in Aus. Download was half way through after a day, them jumped down to 6 minutes.

    • reply
      October 3, 2020 4:48 PM

      Thanks for the article, It manage to increase the download speed from 0.38 mb/s to 2.20 mb/s. But, the speed decreases that I have to keep check on the download every few minutes, so I can restart it again when the speed goes down significantly.

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