All announcements, reveals, & trailers from Super Mario Bros 35th Anniversary Direct

Did you miss any of the massive list of reveals and announcements from the Super Mario 35th Anniversary presentation? We've got it all gathered for you here.


Nintendo most certainly dropped the mother lode of Mario goods with its Super Mario 35th Anniversary Direct presentation. Products old, new, and altogether innovative are coming down the pipeline in the near future. If you happened to miss any part of the lengthy presentation and its myriad of announcement, then no worries. We’ve got a full recap of everything that was shown in the Nintendo Direct right here.

All announcements, reveals, & trailers from Super Mario Bros 35th Anniversary Direct

The Super Mario Bros 35th Anniversary Direct presentation was released on the Nintendo YouTube channel on September 3, 2020. Entirely focused on the superstar franchise of Nintendo, there was a ton of Mario news, products, and reveals to be seen. You can watch the whole presentation below.

Here’s the rundown of everything that was announced and revealed during the overall presentation.

And that covers everything from the Super Mario Bros 35th Anniversary Direct. What was your favorite announcement from the event? What did you think of the collection of Mario goods coming down the pipe overall? Let us know in the Shacknews Chatty comment section below.

Senior News Editor

TJ Denzer is a player and writer with a passion for games that has dominated a lifetime. He found his way to the Shacknews roster in late 2019 and has worked his way to Senior News Editor since. Between news coverage, he also aides notably in livestream projects like the indie game-focused Indie-licious, the Shacknews Stimulus Games, and the Shacknews Dump. You can reach him at and also find him on BlueSky @JohnnyChugs.

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