Valorant update 1.07 patch notes nerf Killjoy and Sage, buff Vandal

Valorant update 1.07 features a slew of nerfs and buffs, as well as a new feature.


Riot Games continues to tweak and alter Valorant in pursuit of creating the most balanced FPS experience possible. The latest update, Valorant 1.07, is the second to hit the game after the addition of Killjoy, and directly addresses the new agent. It also tweaks several other agents, as well as buffing the Vandal, and adding a new feature to Competitive. 

Valorant update 1.07 rolled in on September 1 and is quite the heft patch. Strap in folks, there’s a lot to cover. 

Valorant update 1.07 patch notes buff the Vandal
Valorant update 1.07 patch notes nerf Sage and Killjoy

Valorant update 1.07 patch notes:


  • Heal reduced from 100 over 5 seconds to 60 over 5 seconds.
  • Self Heal reduced from 100 over 5 seconds to 60 over 10 seconds.
  • Slow Orb size reduced by 30%.
  • Barrier Orb Cost reduced from 400 to 300.
  • Fortifying Barrier: Fortifying Barrier: Wall forms at 400 HP. After a 3 second delay, the wall becomes fortified to 800 HP.


  • Nanoswarm now has a brief windup before damage begins.
  • Nanoswarm DPS reduced from 60 to 40.
  • Visual effects have been added to make it easier to spot the Nanoswarm grenade on the ground, Stealth audio range has been slightly increased.
  • Turret no longer revealed by Sova’s Recon Bolt.
  • Turret more effectively shoots at an enemy’s last known location.


  • Toxic Screen can now be placed during the buy phase of rounds, through spawn barriers.
  • Toxic Screen now goes up faster along its full length, once it starts to form.
  • Decay on all smoke abilities no longer affects allies.
  • The area of Viper’s Pit is now shown on her team’s minimap when deployed.


  • Flashpoint - Off-screen flashes now match behavior of other flashes in the game and apply a minimum amount of flash more aggressively.
  • Flashpoint Charges increased from 2 to 3.
  • Flashpoint windup time reduced from 0.6 seconds to 0.5 seconds.
  • Rolling Thunder detonation delay between blasts decreased from 0.3 to 0.255.
  • Concuss now de-scopes players and prevents re-scoping.

All shotguns (aimpunch update)

  • When getting headshot by a shotgun, the aimpunch will be lower than all the other weapons.
  • All shotguns (tagging tuned for targets beyond 10 meters).
  • Hitting an enemy past 10 meters will apply a different tagging value to them instead of the standard tagging.
  • New tagging: 30% slow for .5s on a smooth curve going back to normal speed.

Shorty (nerf)

  • 1st falloff range reduced from 9m to 7m.
  • Updated headshot multiplier from 3x to 2x (now the same as Judge and Bucky).

Judge (Nerf)

  • Price increased from 1500 to 1600.

Vandal (buff)

  • Increased firing rate from 9.25 to 9.75.
  • Increased damage from 39 to 40.
    Valorant update 1.07 patch notes buff the Vandal.
    Valorant update 1.07 patch notes buff the Vandal.

Valorant update 1.07 also adds hit impact VFX. Commonly referred to as hit markers, this VFX is intended to improve clarity with hit registration when shooting. 

The update adds the Remake feature to competitive mode. “When a match begins with a 4v5 (or more lopsided teams), players will now have the option to end the game they’re in and queue for a new one.” the notes read. The Remake feature allows players to leave matches early without suffering any penalty to their MMR in cases where a teammate disconnects early.

The full list of patch notes can be read on Riot Games’ website. The Valorant update 1.07 patch notes are some of the most extensive in the game’s 3-month lifespan. For more helpful articles on Riot Games’ tactical FPS, pay a visit to our Valorant guide hub.

News Editor

Donovan is a journalist from Maryland. His oldest gaming memory is playing Pajama Sam on his mom's desktop during weekends. Pokémon Emerald, Halo 2, and the original Star Wars Battlefront 2 were some of the most influential titles in awakening his love for video games. After interning for Shacknews throughout college, Donovan graduated from Bowie State University in 2020 with a major in broadcast journalism and joined the team full-time. He is a huge film fanatic and will talk with you about movies and games all day. You can follow him on twitter @Donimals_

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