Upcoming Heart of Deimos Warframe Xaku was designed with community ideas & input
The new Xaku Warframe coming in Heart of Deimos was designed with abilities and features suggested by the community.
During TennoCon 2020, Digital Extremes had a ton of new content to show us from the upcoming Heart of Deimos update. One such reveal from the Infested-heavy new content was the reveal of the upcoming new Xaku Warframe. This Void-themed Warframe was designed with a wealth of input from the community to help in designing its abilities, skills, and features.
The Heart of Deimos update content in which the new Xaku Warframe was revealed appeared on the TennoLive presentation during the TennoCon 2020 digital livestream. The Xaku Warframe is a Void-heavy frame that features a mish mash of previous Warframes warped together into one working contraption. Longtime players will notice bits and pieces of familiar Warframe parts fused into the arms, chest, head, and legs of the frame. Moreover, Xaku’s features and abilities were designed with an emphasis on community input. From its visuals and weapons to its skills and ultimate, the Xaku Warframe was essentially built for the community, by the community.

The Xaku is an extremely animated Warframe. Even in its idle animations, it looks like its trying to keep itself together, but even dodge rolling features an interesting look in which it pretty much displaces its pieces before coming back together. That’s not all. It has a wealth of abilities such as a screaming area-of-effect attack that roots enemies and establishes a zone in which foes will suffer a defense debuff if they enter and an empowering ability that will instill each of its attacks with extra Void damage. As mentioned before, each of these were based upon ideas or suggestions made by the community.
The Xaku Warframe is coming with the wealth of content in the Heart of Deimos update, which launches on August 25 on all available platforms simultaneously. Be sure to follow our Warframe topic for all of the latest reveals and news on this update and the rest of Warframe.
TJ Denzer posted a new article, Upcoming Heart of Deimos Warframe Xaku was designed with community ideas & input