Where to buy a webcam - stores with stock
Still struggling to buy a webcam? Here are some stores and retailers that may finally have stock.
Setting up the perfect workspace at home these days requires a webcam. Unfortunately, the current pandemic means that supplies are limited, stock keeps running out, and retailers are struggling to keep up with demand. If you’re in the market for a webcam, whether it’s a high-end unit or something to get the job done, there are a few places out there that seem to have at least some webcams in stock.

You can’t really beat Amazon when it comes to having a steady supply of stock. While the quality may vary, there is at least ample choice for those that need a webcam as soon as possible. There are several Logitech webcams available, along with Microsoft LifeCams, and even some no-name brands out there. Prices tend to vary greatly.

B&H is a staple for all things video and the company also appears to have a good stock of webcams. Customers can expect to find Logitech webcams and Microsoft LifeCams, though supply does look to be disappearing quickly. Thankfully, you can setup a backorder if there is one you had your eye on.

Consumers shouldn’t forget about trusty NewEgg. The site looks to have a pretty good supply of webcams across a large range of manufacturers. Logitech and Microsoft make an appearance, along with Adesso, Mytrix, Poweradd, and other lesser known cameras.

Walmart seems to always be a solid choice for good deals. Whether you’re waiting on Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals, or just trying to participate in a video call, Walmart seems to have the goods. Judging from a recent perusal of the Walmart webcam page, there looks to be quite a few webcam options. There are known-name manufacturers as well as a few no-name ones out there. Dealers choice.

Another great option for those looking to buy a webcam is Staples. This store seems to have a decent supply of stock rotating in all the time, with a ton of great webcams to choose from. While some of the bigger brands might be hard to get, there seems to be supply of AVerMedia, CODI, as well as AUSDOM cameras.

If none of the other retailers have webcams in stock, would-be buyers can always try the Wild West that is eBay. There is a great range of webcams available here, with some selling for less than $5 USD. Admittedly, you’re probably going to get what you pay for.
In the event none of those retailers have any webcams in stock, or you don’t want to settle for a device that may or may not actually work, you can always use your iPhone as a webcam on PC. It’s a super simple process that will at least get your mug in the conference call on Zoom. Other than that, you may just need to wait for stores more stock before you can buy a webcam. Found any places that still have webcams in stock? Leave us your tips in the Chatty thread below.
Sam Chandler posted a new article, Where to buy a webcam - stores with stock
We'll played, Sam. Well played.