How to make an axe - Grounded
Craft your first axe in Grounded by unlocking the Pebblet Axe blueprint.
Crafting axes is an important first step in Grounded. Without an axe, players will be unable to progress further, as a lot of blueprints require items only accessible with a good axe chop. There’s a little bit of work to do before you can craft an axe but you should have one within the first few minutes.
How to craft an axe in Grounded
Crafting an axe in Grounded requires some analysis and some resources. You can’t just pick up a rock and a stick and have an axe. In saying this, you should be able to have an axe within the first few minutes of starting the game. Here’s what you need to do:
- Pick Plant Fiber from the ground
- Analyse Plant Fiber at an Analysis Computer
- Craft Woven Fiber in your Crafting menu
- Use 3 Sprigs, 2 Pebblets, and 1 Woven Fiber to craft an Axe in your Crafting menu

You can also unlock the Pebblet Axe recipe by analysing a pebblet.
The first step, finding plant fiber, is simple. Look around the ground for little swirls of green. Walk up to it and use the interact button to grab it.
Finding the Analysis Computer could be a little tricky. From the baseball near the start, turn left and follow the path between the grass. You will come across a little hexahedron base with a computer inside (this is part of the main campaign, too). Look to the right of the computer and select Analyze. In this new menu, select the plant fiber. The computer will analyze the plant fiber and the woven fiber blueprint will unlock.
In your crafting menu, craft some woven fiber (found under Materials). As soon as you craft woven fiber, the recipe for a Pebblet Axe will unlock under the Tools tab.
To craft an Pebblet Axe, you will need to collect three sprigs, two pebblets, and craft one woven fiber. Once these items are in your inventory, you can craft the axe.
This axe should be the first tool you craft in Grounded. Doing this will let you chop down blades of grass and defend yourself with some efficiency. The Pebblet Axe is a Tier 1 axe, so don’t expect it to be amazing. Make sure you check out the Grounded page for more helpful guides to get you started.
Sam Chandler posted a new article, How to make an axe - Grounded