Does Grounded support split-screen co-op?
Split-screen is a feature a lot of single-console and PC houses desire and a feature gamers want in Grounded.
Playing games with friends is more fun, and the same is true of Grounded. Now that it’s finally out in early access, players want to know if Grounded supports split-screen co-op, on either PC or console. This would certainly make it easier for siblings, roommates, and partners to play together on one system.
Is Grounded split-screen?
Unfortunately, no, Grounded does not support split-screen co-op. Players will be unable to play split-screen on a single console or on a single PC. This means that families and households with two people that want to play will need to use two separate systems. Thankfully, Grounded does support cross-play, which makes this a bit of an easier pill to swallow.

It is worth noting that Grounded is still in Early Access/Game Preview. This means that features and mechanics are still being designed and implemented by the team over at Obsidian Entertainment. What this means is that, if it’s possible and the demand is there, split-screen could be a feature added later down the track.
However, it certainly seems that these days split-screen support is becoming less common. This is definitely a disappointment, as households still have multiple gamers and sometimes purchasing an additional console just to play co-op isn’t a reasonable option.
So what can you, as a humble gamer, do about Grounded’s lack of split-screen? Firstly, there is a Grounded Discord channel you can join to chat with the community. This platform should also let you openly discuss the need for split-screen. You can also visit the Grounded subreddit to give feedback and generate more discourse.
While Grounded does not feature split-screen co-op, it’s not too late for it to be added. The game is still in development, which means new features are being worked on behind the scenes every day. In the meantime, be sure to swing by the Shacknews Grounded page for ongoing coverage of Obsidian’s next hottest game.
Sam Chandler posted a new article, Does Grounded support split-screen co-op?