Watch the Apple, Google, Amazon, and Facebook antitrust hearing here

The four horsemen of the tech apocalypse are all being summoned to testify before Congress today. Come watch all the manure get shoveled live on YouTube!


CEOs from four of the five largest technology companies in the world are set to testify before the House Judiciary subcommittee on antritrust today. Amazon's Jeff Bezos, Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg, Google's Sundar Pichai, and Apple's Tim Cook will all testify together for the first time in history. The hearing is set to kick off at 1 PM ET following an hour delay. Please check out this live video embed of the antitrust hearing below.

The CEOs have provided an advanced look at their prepared remarks:

President Trump has targeted tech companies on social media many times, but has frequently referred to Apple CEO Tim "Tim Apple" Cook positively over the past few years. With Amazon's Jeff Bezos frequently drawing the ire of the president, today's hearing is about just how massive these companies have become. Apple, Google, Facebook, and Amazon represent trillions of dollars of market capitalization and together control a lot of very important industries. 

Trump seen here running the country during a pandemic.
Trump seen here running the country during a pandemic.

It remains to be seen just how much of a dog and pony show today's congressional antitrust hearing will be, but Shacknews will be tuning in and providing updates as news breaks.


Asif Khan is the CEO, EIC, and majority shareholder of Shacknews. He began his career in video game journalism as a freelancer in 2001 for Asif is a CPA and was formerly an investment adviser representative. After much success in his own personal investments, he retired from his day job in financial services and is currently focused on new private investments. His favorite PC game of all time is Duke Nukem 3D, and he is an unapologetic fan of most things Nintendo. Asif first frequented the Shack when it was sCary's Shugashack to find all things Quake. When he is not immersed in investments or gaming he is a purveyor of fine electronic music. Asif also has an irrational love of Cleveland sports.

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