Red Dead Online Outlaw Pass No. 3 ranks and rewards
A complete breakdown of all the Outlaw Pass No. 3 ranks and rewards in Red Dead Online.
The Outlaw Pass No. 3 is finally here, bringing a slew of new ranks and rewards for players to unlock and acquire. If you’re planning on picking up the new season pass in Red Dead Online, then you’re going to want to know what to expect. Here’s a complete breakdown of all the rewards you can expect at each and every rank.
Red Dead Online Outlaw Pass No. 3 ranks and rewards
Purchasing the Outlaw Pass No. 3 in Red Dead Online will cost players 40 Gold Bars. You’ll earn all of this back throughout the various ranks you can reach, along with several other items that you can use to customize your character and playtime in the online game mode. We’ve broken down each of the ranks and rewards in the table below, so let’s take a look.
Red Dead Online Outlaw Pass No. 3 ranks and rewards | |
Rank # | Rewards |
1 | 15% role XP Boost and The Dedham outfit |
2 | 5 Legendary Animal Pheromones |
3 | 5 Gold Bars |
4 | Burled Wood Grain for any gun |
5 | Ticket for 1 Free Emote |
6 | Red Filter for Advanced Camera |
7 | Hunter Background for Photo Studio and 2,000 XP for Naturalist Role |
8 | Buckden Rings set |
9 | Ammo Parcel (Nitro Express Ammo) |
10 | Riflemen Pose for Photo Studio |
11 | Ticket for 1 free Mash Refill and 3 Gold Bars off a Bar Décor Item |
12 | Red Enamel Inlay for any gun or knife |
13 | Clovelly Shirt |
14 | 5 Gold Bars off a Vitalism Studies Pamphlet of your choice |
15 | 5 Gold Bars |
16 | Ammo Parcel (.22 Sedative Ammo) |
17 | Flag for your camp with the West Elizabeth Seal and 1 free shirt (Rank 15 or below) |
18 | 25 Goods added to your Trader stockpile |
19 | Beat Chest Emote |
20 | Zizi Belt Buckle |
21 | 5 Animal Revivers |
22 | Cobalt Cloth Wrap for any repeater, rifle, or shotgun as well as 1 free Ability |
23 | Hunting Parcel (Potent Herbivore and Potent Predator Bait) |
24 | Clovelly Hat |
25 | Confident Dance style and 25% Role XP Boost |
26 | 30% RDO$ off select non-role pamphlets |
27 | Moonshine Ingredients Parcel and Ammo Ingredients Parcel |
28 | End Credits Filter for Advanced Camera |
29 | Clovelly Dropped Suspenders |
30 | 25 Trader Goods |
31 | Gun Care Parcel (Gun Oil) and 1 Treasure Map |
32 | Ammo Parcel (Nitro Express Ammo) |
33 | Blue Enamel Inlay for any gun or knife |
34 | Socialites Pose for Photo Studio |
35 | Clovelly Boots |
36 | 1 Select Hat for free (Rank 15 or below) |
37 | Swamp Background for Photo Studio |
38 | Horse Care Parcel |
39 | 5 Gold Bars |
40 | Knight Buckle |
41 | Charcoal Filter for the Advanced Camera |
42 | Flag for your camp with the Saint Denis city seal |
43 | Bandit Mask and Ammo Parcel (.22 Sedative Ammo) |
44 | 25 Trader Goods |
45 | 30% role XP boost |
46 | Get 30% RDO$ off the Wilderness Camp and 40% RDO$ off select saddles |
47 | 100 RDO$ |
48 | Burdall Hat |
49 | 50% RDO$ off select Novice or Promising items from any current role |
50 | Mystery Reward ticket |
51 | 40% RDO$ off Ponchos and 5 Gold Bars |
52 | 2 Collectibles Parcels |
53 | Green Enamel Inlay for any gun or knife |
54 | 5 Legendary Animal Pheromones |
55 | 1 free emote |
56 | Hunters Pose for Photo Studio |
57 | Tipsy walking style |
58 | Abbington Cap and Drunk Filter for Advanced Camera |
59 | Flag for camp with Guarma seal on it |
60 | Iguga Belt Buckle |
61 | 1 free shirt (Rank 15 or below) |
62 | 2 Collectibles Parcels |
63 | Goatherd Outfit for Cripps |
64 | 5 Gold Bars |
65 | Amador Boots and 1 free Mash Refill |
66 | 5 Animal Revivers |
67 | 50% RDO$ off Established or Distinguished items in current roles |
68 | Abbington Nightgown |
69 | Exotic Background for Photo Studio |
70 | 5 Gold Bars |
71 | Amador Pants |
72 | Guarma Filter |
73 | Rock Paper Scissors emote and 40% RDO$ off a Double Bandolier of your choice (Catalogue only) |
74 | 1 Treasure Map |
75 | 5 Gold Bars |
76 | Canine Pose for Photo Studio |
77 | Mystery Reward Ticket |
78 | Amador Coat |
79 | New Metal Styles for the Gunsmith and 5 Gold Bars |
80 | Golden Spirit Belt Buckle and The Zapatero Outfit |
Now that you know exactly what to expect from the Red Dead Online Outlaw Pass No. 3 ranks and rewards, make sure you head back over to our Red Dead Online guide for even more helpful information.
Josh Hawkins posted a new article, Red Dead Online Outlaw Pass No. 3 ranks and rewards