How to unlock Charm slots - Ghost of Tsushima
Learn how to unlock additional Charm slots to make you stronger in Ghost of Tsushima.
Charms are a powerful item in Ghost of Tsushima that can give you a bevy of great benefits. From additional health, to more melee attack power, Charms will be a big part of your journey to victory over the Mongol hordes invading the island. In this guide, we’ll break down how to unlock Charm slots, which will in turn allow you to equip more Charms at any given time.
How to unlock Charm slots
There are six Charm slots available to players in Ghost of Tsushima. Two of these slots are for Major Charms, and thus will need to be unlocked to make use of the more powerful equippables in the game. The other four Charm slots are for Minor Charms, which you can find all around the world – and even receive as mission rewards.

To unlock more Charm slots, players are going to need to find various Inari Shrines hidden around the world. These are often hidden away quite well, and thus you’ll need some help to locate them. Thankfully, there are several Fox Dens around the island and finding these places will cause a fox to lead you to any nearby Inari Shrines in the area.
Once you’ve managed to find a certain amount of Inari Shrines – and pay your respects to them – Jin will unlock additional Charm slots for you to fill in with various charms. Of course, how you want to fill these slots all comes down to the type of playstyle you’re planning on using for the majority of the game, and we’ll have more details on some great setups to think about later down the line.
Now that you know a bit more about Charm slots and how to unlock them, make sure you head back over to our Ghost of Tsushima guide for even more helpful information and content, like our guide on how to unlock new Stances.
Josh Hawkins posted a new article, How to unlock Charm slots - Ghost of Tsushima