Fortnite update 12.60 patch notes introduce Operation: Infiltration
Fortnite Chapter 2, Season 2 may be ending soon, but Epic Games is still releasing content updates and events in the meantime.
Fortnite Battle Royale's espionage themed Season 2 may be winding down, but Epic Games isn't finished with this sneaky spy business just yet. Wednesday May 20, 2020 sees the release of update v12.60. With this patch comes a number of tweaks and changes to battle royale mode. The biggest news with the arrival of v12.60 is the introduction of Operation: Infiltration.
This event, teased throughout the season pits the rivaling Shadow and Ghost agencies against each other in a brand new game mode. Although Operation: Infiltration falls under the battle royale banner, it drops the “last man standing” objective from standard game modes. Instead, two teams of 8 face off to either protect or extract briefcases containing important intel.
Operation: Infiltration plays out like capture the flag. Teams take turns defending an objective or trying to steal the objective and return it to your home base to score points. Teams change sides after each round is completed. The first team to win three rounds will be crowned winners of the match.

As a part of the ongoing Spy Games series, winning matches of Operation: Infiltration will reward players with intel that they can allocate to the agency of their choosing. This intel is then used to unlock different weapons, abilities, and items for use in other Operation game modes.
Update v12.60 also brings changes to Fortnite’s other game modes. In Creative Mode, presents have been re-enabled, after an issue caused them to be disabled back in April. Epic Games no longer posts the comprehensive patch notes to their website, so it’ll take some exploring to uncover all of the changes in this new update. We’ll keep you updated on what we find right here in the Shacknews Fortnite guide hub.
Donovan Erskine posted a new article, Fortnite update 12.60 patch notes introduce Operation: Infiltration