Pokemon GO Incense Day brings different Pokemon types to you
In lieu of the usual Community Day, Pokemon GO is going with something a little different with Incense Day, which brings Pokemon to you.
It's been quite difficult to go outside and wrangle up Pokemon in Pokemon GO. It's been quite difficult to go outside, period, in a lot of places. It doesn't look like that's going to change anytime soon, either, but Niantic is doing its best to help everyone stay home. The latest event for Pokemon GO will take place this Sunday, replacing the usual Community Day with a new Incense Day.
Incense Day revolves around Pokemon GO's Incense item, which attracts nearby wild Pokemon to your location. For this Sunday, Niantic is going a step further. A special event-only Incense bundle will be available for only one single PokeCoin. And any Incense activated during this Sunday event will attract Sentret to your location.
Okay, that's not very exciting. So if you're not into the common Sentret, you can find some rarer Pokemon throughout the day. Here's what players can expect to find, according to the Pokemon GO website:
Pokemon GO Incense Day Type Shuffle times
- 11AM-12PM: Water-types (including Clamperl)
- 12PM-1PM: Fire-types (including Litwick)
- 1PM-2PM: Grass-types (including Ferroseed)
- 2PM-3PM: Psychic-types (including Gothita)
- 3PM-4PM Bug-types (including Joltik)
- 4PM-5PM: Ground-types (including Drilbur)

All of these times are local to the user. Incense Day will only run on Sunday, April 19. However, given the continuing COVID-19 crisis, it probably won't be the last time players see an Incense Day event. If there isn't another one, expect Niantic to try something else, given how the developer has tried to work around the pandemic.
Speaking of which, Niantic also detailed plans to engage in Raids remotely. A future update will let Buddy Pokemon run off to nearby PokeStops to retrieve items and let players jump into nearby Gyms for Remote Raids. For details on those plans, check out the Pokemon GO website.
Ozzie Mejia posted a new article, Pokemon GO Incense Day brings different Pokemon types to you