Notes and Citations
Chapter 12
Chapter Select

Notes and Citations


Author's Notes

From Chaos was written based on new interviews with Michel Koch, Raoul Barbet, Jeff Litchford, Zak Garriss, Gonzalo Martin, and Roman George.

A very big thank-you to Tara Bruno, Lizzie Killian, and Steven Ruygrok for coordinating interviews with the developers and making this long read possible.

Concept artwork from Life is Strange: Before the Storm. (Image courtesy of Square Enix and Deck Nine.)
Concept artwork from Life is Strange: Before the Storm. (Image courtesy of Square Enix and Deck Nine.)


Adrift started as an exclusive published by Sony: "Remember Me Was Originally a PlayStation Exclusive," IGN,

despite being heavily subsidized: "DONTNOD, the most subsidized in 2013," Game Kult,

disputed the reports and reframed rumors: "Remember Me Developer Dontnod Creating New Game with Square Enix, IGN,

Lyons and Atkins founded their indie company: Idol Minds,

the PlayStation Network's most downloaded game: "Pain Tops 2008 PSN Download List," Wired,

Sony, its long-time publisher, slashed budgets: "Rumor: PAIN developer Idol Minds lays off more than half of staff," Engadget,

Sony pulled Idol Minds off the game: "Sony takes Pain developer off Warrior's Lair," Eurogamer,

Ten days and only $2,973 later, the campaign was cancelled: "Shutterbug," Kickstarter,

It's established throughout the first episode's: "Life is Strange 2: Episode 1 - 'Roads' impressions," Shacknews,

The last several years, more so than: "Life is Strange 2 interview with Michel Koch: Family, religion, and race," Shacknews,

to tell anyone who didn't care for France to leave: "Migrant crisis: Hungarian PM Viktor Orban proposes EU border force to patrol Greek frontier," International Business Times,

Hello, Meet Lola