Hive boss location - Destiny 2
We'll take you straight to a real Hive boss so you can finish that pesky bounty on your hands.
If you’re looking for a Hive boss to count towards your Hive Machine bounty from Rasputin, we’ve got your hookup right here. Of course, if you’re looking for a Hive boss for any other random reason, this one still counts, and is easily handled even if you’re a solo player.
Hive boss location

If you need to nuke a Hive boss to finish a bounty or quest step, I’d direct you to land your ship on Mars, at the Braytech Futurescape landing zone. From there, look for the Core Terminus lost sector to the left and head inside. You’ll find a lot of Hive, helping you if you’re looking for more than just the boss, but you’ll also find a proper Hive boss waiting for you at the end. If, like us, you’re trying to complete the Hive Machine bounty from Rasputin, this one will count.
It should also be noted that a Hive boss occupies the Daily Bunker Buster on the Moon if you’re actively in the Season of the Worthy. Just clear your Moon bunker and you should be all set for killing a Hive boss. If you’re not in the Season of the Worthy, the Core Terminus lost sector should be operational and provide the Hive scum you seek.

There are other activities in the game that will provide a Hive boss, but we’re trying to find you the most reliable option solo players can tackle. If you were planning to hit some Escalation Protocol, that would work, as would many other activities in the game. If you’re strapping in for a long play session, let this bounty sit and see if you complete it naturally. You can always duck into the Core Terminus lost sector at the end of the day if you haven’t found a Hive boss through organic gameplay.
Now that you know where to reliably find a Hive boss, head to our Destiny 2 strategy guide for more help on just about everything you can get up to in Bungie’s looter shooter.
Bill Lavoy posted a new article, Hive boss location - Destiny 2