How to make Bells fast - Animal Crossing: New Horizons
Learn how to make Bells fast so you can pay off your loan quickly in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.
Money makes the world go ‘round. While Animal Crossing: New Horizons might take place on a deserted island getaway, you’re still going to need to worry about how much cash you have in your pockets. In fact, learning how to make Bells fast can be the difference between your island thriving or struggling over the coming months. Thankfully, we’ve put together a few handy tips to help you make the most of your time so you can stock up on Bells early in your career.
How to make Bells fast - Animal Crossing: New Horizons
There are a number of ways to make Bells in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, some of which require less than upstanding means. Whether you’re an honest businessman, or someone looking to make a few extra Bells by any means, we’ve got a few good ways to make use of.
First up, let’s talk about honest work. There are plenty of things you can sell from around your island in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. In fact, pretty much all the items that you find or craft can be sold to Tommy or Timmy for some extra Bells.

Players will also want to look out for what many refer to as the “money rock”. Basically, each day one of the rocks on your island will act as a “money rock”, spitting out up to 20,000 Bells if you’re lucky. Most of the time we only managed to grab a few thousand each day, but the possibility is there, and some players have gotten lucky with it.
Another good way to make Bells is to visit other islands and gather the fruit there. If you can grab fruit that isn’t native to your island, you can return home and sell it for a much greater profit. Try to set up trade routes with other players, so that everyone profits.
How to make a million Bells quickly
Finally, if you’re looking to make money fast and don’t want to work for it, you can always use the time travel method. Before you get too far into the game – and have a bunch of villagers living on your island – head to the Nook Terminal and deposit all of your Bells into the ABD.
Once you have deposited all your Bells, save the game and then time travel back to the year 2000. Log into the game and then check your bank again just to save it. Now, log out and then time travel to the year 2025, or even 2030. Basically, you want to travel far enough ahead that whatever number of Bells you had in your bank earns interest. The goal is to earn the cap of 99,999 Bells at a time.

When we tested this method, we were able to amass over 400,000 Bells in a matter of ten-fifteen minutes. The most annoying part is having to shuffle through all of the menus in the Switch to change your date and time. But, if you’re really hurting for cash, or just want to make a lot of Bells quickly and don’t mind sleazing it a little bit, this is the quickest method.
Overall, it’s pretty easy to make Bells in New Horizons. Gather things, sell them, and continue to work towards building yourself that perfect house. For more help, make sure you also check out the rest of our Animal Crossing: New Horizons guide hub.
Josh Hawkins posted a new article, How to make Bells fast - Animal Crossing: New Horizons