The Cartridge Family 094 - Cathartic Games, Shovel Knight Fever, Coronavirus's Impact

Joe's got it bad for Shovel Knight while John spends his time virtually mowing a lawn.


Buffa's out of town today so it's Joe's turn to type up some nonsense for you to read instead of simply listening to our delightful, weekly gaming podcast. I'm kidding. Buffa's a talented writer and I'm nothing. No one. An ant. A shadow of an ant. Dust.

Check out our latest episode. John and I breakdown the latest from Yacht Club Games, Xbox Series X's info dump, and how the Caronavirus is impacting the games industry. Thanks for listening as always and enjoy!

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Front-end dev, musician and audio engineer. I talk games, games industry as producer on Shack Together. Not funny or smart.

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