Python Ritual weapon - Destiny 2
Jump into Gambit for the Get Closer quest so you can snap up the Python, a powerful new Ritual Shotgun in Destiny 2.
Python is a new Ritual weapon added to Destiny 2 with Season of Dawn. This Shotgun is a reward for completing Get Closer, a quest picked up from Drifter that is centered entirely on Gambit. Whether you prefer the classic Gambit or Gambit Prime, unlocking Python is going to take quite a bit of time.
Get Closer

The quest to unlock Python is called Get Closer. This is picked up from the Drifter in the Annex of the Tower. As mentioned above, this is one of the new Ritual weapons, a class of weapons designed to fill the gap left by Pinnacle weapons.
With Get Closer in your quest slot, you can begin focusing on its three tasks:
- 500 Shotgun final blows
- 150 Shotgun close-range final blows
- Infamy rank Heroic
After completing these three requirements, visit Drifter again to collect your Shotgun.
How to get Python
To get Python, you’re going to need to get a lot of Shotgun kills. This much is obvious. The real challenge is figuring out the best way to make this happen.

The first thing to note is that combatant and Guardian kills count toward the totals. As you might assume, Guardian kills are worth more. What you should be doing is invading at every opportunity and attempting to get Shotgun kills.
As for the Heroic rank, that all comes down to the Gambit Infamy rank system. Heroic is the third major rank. To reach Heroic, you will need to amass 2,500 Infamy points. To do this, collect bounties from Drifter – as many as you can get – and complete them. Each bounty will earn you a bit of Infamy with some earning you more than others. Winning games of Gambit and Gambit Prime will also help lift this up.
Finally, the big thing to consider is your weapon. The quest for Python requires you use a Shotgun. While you can get away with using any Shotgun against AI combatants, there are some standout options for fighting other players.
What Shotgun to use

Right out of the gate, one of the most dominant Shotguns at the moment is Mindbender’s Ambition. This is a Nightfall exclusive weapon, meaning you’ll need to spend some time farming Nightfalls for a drop and a perfect roll.
The question is whether or not you want to spend the time farming a weapon just to help you in your quest to get another weapon. If you don’t want to farm, that’s perfectly fine because there are some other great options out there.

Dust Rock Blues is another viable choice that is seeing some attention in Crucible lately. This Shotgun can come with some appealing perks like Slideshot, Moving Target, and Full Auto Trigger System. You can also get Dust Rock Blues via a Menagerie rune recipe. This will let you farm for a good roll quicker than other Shotguns.

Another iconic weapon everyone has heard of is Lord of Wolves. This is an Exotic Shotgun that is able to rip through opponents with ease. Keep in mind, once players know you’re rocking the Lord of Wolves, they’ll be trying their best to avoid its devastating burst.
There are some other great choices that will help you shred through enemies. The likes of Perfect Paradox, Ikelos Shotgun, Emperor’s Courtesy and The Chaperone are all viable options. They might not be at the top of the most-used PVP weapons like Mindbender’s, but they can still put an enemy down quickly.
In the end, what really matters is that you use a Shotgun you’re comfortable with. And remember, if all else fails, throw on Legend of Acrius and blast enemies away with ease.
Python perks

Python comes with the following non-negotiable perks: Aggressive Frame, Smallbore, Extended Mag, Reload Speed Masterwork. These all work well together to help push out its range and keep you shooting. Python also comes with the choice between:
- Overflow or Feeding Frenzy
- Shield Disorient or One-Two Punch
One-Two Punch is a clear winner when it comes to damage output. Players that were around during the end of the Season of Opulence will fondly remember how well it synergized with the Hunter’s Combination Blow. While it has received a nerf, One-Two Punch is still able to help you dish out a lot of damage. On top of this, Feeding Frenzy ensures you’re not waiting too long between reloading and shooting.
Overflow and Shield Disorient, while both respectable perks, don’t feel as worthwhile when compared to the other two options. However, the beauty of Destiny 2’s Ritual weapons is that it can come down to personal preference.
Python, the Gambit Ritual weapon for Season of Dawn, is a great new addition to the Destiny 2 sandbox. Though it might not replace your favorite Shotgun, it’s still worth picking up for its unique combination of perks. Shoot on over to the Shacknews Destiny 2 complete strategy guide for even more Ritual weapon breakdowns!
Sam Chandler posted a new article, Python Ritual weapon - Destiny 2