How to level up fast - Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot
Everything you need to know to unlock maximum XP gains and level up quickly in Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot.
As you progress through Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot, you’re going to find yourself head to head with several powerful enemies. If you want to stay alive and live up to your true Saiyan potential, then you’re going to need to level up. In this guide, we’ll discuss the various ways to earn experience, which will help you level up quickly.
How to level up fast - Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot
If you want to maximize how much experience you’re earning, there are a few things to keep in mind. You'll want to really focus on leveling up if you plan to unlock new Super Attacks or other abilities, so be aware of that before you get started.
First, sub-quests and progressing the story are going to be your biggest points of experience gain. Many sub-quests will grant you large amounts of experience, and even sometimes open up additional sub-quests.

Second, you can increase the amount of experience you are earning by activating certain Community Skills from the various Community Boards that you have access to. For example, maxing out the Training Community level will grant you +100% extra experience from battles, whereas Level 4 of the Training Community will grant you only +15%. This is very handy for battle grinding during Intermissions, or by summoning old enemies using the Dragon Balls to earn some extra XP from the fights.
While leveling is important, a good portion of the time the game is going to help you by giving each of the characters the experience that they need to take on specific boss fights. For example, during the Namek Saga, Gohan, Goku, Krillin, and Vegeta all received XP boosts just by playing through the story. This means you shouldn’t have too much trouble keeping up with the required levels needed for specific fights.

Now that you know how to level up fast and maximize the amount of experience you are earning; you can get back out there and continue your quest to complete the Dragon Ball saga. We’ll continue to create new guides for you to use, so make sure you keep an eye on our Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot guides hub for more handy articles.
Josh Hawkins posted a new article, How to level up fast - Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot