Spoonbill locations in Red Dead Redemption 2
Learn how to find Spoonbill locations to complete challenges in Red Dead Redemption 2 and Red Dead Online.
Like most of the animals that you’ll come across in Red Dead Redemption 2 and Red Dead Online, Spoonbills can be a tricky creature to find throughout the world. Thankfully, we’ve put together this handy guide, which will direct you to one of the best Spoonbill locations we have managed to find. This will make it easy to complete any challenges you have associated with the large crane-like birds, allowing you to continue your adventures without worrying.
Spoonbill locations in Red Dead Redemption 2
As you can see on the map that we’ve included below, Spoonbill can be found down in the Bayou area of Lemoyne. You can often find several of these large birds hanging around in the swampy area that runs along the western border of the map just north, outside of Saint Denis.
Need more help finding different animals? Check out our Legendary Animal locations guide right here.
If you’re not having any luck finding them there, then you can head over to the area surrounding Lagras and look around for the Spoonbill that can spawn around that area. Unfortunately, with so many players out looking for these creatures, you’re probably going to find that not many can be found during peak hours. If you experience issues finding Spoonbill in these locations, then simply change to a new lobby using the Online function in the pause menu. This will allow you to generate new spawns by loading into a new instance.

The Varmint Rifle is the best weapon to take down Spoonbill with, especially if you’re trying to go for Perfect quality goods. Make sure to aim for their heads, which are very tiny especially at a distance away. This can be mitigated by using your Dead Eye, which will make it easier to hit.
These Spoonbill locations can be used in both the singleplayer campaign and in Red Dead Online to complete daily challenges. For more help, make sure you also check out our Red Dead Redemption 2 guide, where we’ve broken down several key elements of the game, including animal locations and more.
Josh Hawkins posted a new article, Spoonbill locations in Red Dead Redemption 2