How to unlock armor in Halo: Reach
Customize your Spartan and Elite in Halo: Reach on PC and Xbox One by unlocking the numerous pieces of armor, attachments, and Firefight voices.
Unlocking armor in Halo: Reach is different to how it was when the game first launched in 2010. Back in the day, players had to earn a ton of credits which in turn was used to unlock armor. With the release of Halo: Reach on PC and Xbox One, that’s no longer the case.
How to unlock armor in Reach
To unlock armor in Halo: Reach, players must level up the season pass. This season pass is free for all players and comes with one hundred tiers. In order to unlock a tier, players need to use a season point. Luckily, getting season points in Halo: Reach is easy.

This is all drastically different to how unlocking armor worked in the original game. Previously, armor, visual effects, Firefight voice lines and more were all unlocked by spending credits. These credits also doubled as the XP system, which controlled your rank.
To further complicate matters, certain pieces of armor were also locked behind ranks. What this meant is even if you had the necessary credits, you might not be able to unlock the armor if you weren’t a high enough rank. This is no longer the case.
As you play Halo: Reach through the Master Chief Collection, you will be continually receiving new items. There’s an incentive to keep on playing and ranking up.
However, this new armor unlock system does come with its drawbacks. For example, a piece of armor you might like could be buried deep in the season pass. That helmet you want to use that’s at Tier 90? You will need to unlock the 89 tiers before it if you want to use it.
In saying all this, unlocking armor in Halo: Reach on PC and Xbox One is now easier than it was in the original. There’s no longer a need to farm kills for hundreds of thousands of credits. Plus, you will be constantly receiving something new as you continue to play.
Sam Chandler posted a new article, How to unlock armor in Halo: Reach