Reach Level 4 Horse Bonding quickly in Red Dead Redemption 2
Learn the fastest way to reach Level 4 Horse Bonding in Red Dead Redemption 2 and Red Dead Online.
Horses are one of the primary means of traveling the world in Red Dead Redemption 2, and players will find that having a maximum Horse Bonding level will yield some healthy advantages. On top of having more Stamina, your horse will also offer a higher Health limit and will respond to your commands more readily. In this guide we’ll breakdown the quickest way to reach Level 4 Horse Bonding, which is the max level of bonding that you can have with any horse in Red Dead Redemption 2 or Red Dead Online.
Reach Level 4 Horse Bonding quickly in Red Dead Redemption 2
Having a max level in Horse Bonding will prove fruitful for both players of Red Dead Redemption 2’s singleplayer, and those that wish to play in Red Dead Online. No matter which horse you have, getting your Horse Bonding level up to maximum will allow you to sprint for longer periods of time, as well as take on more damage while on your trusty mount.
When you first obtain a new horse, the Horse Bonding level will be set at level 1. From here you’ll be able to increase it by doing a number of things including feeding your horse, patting your horse, brushing your horse, leading your horse, and just riding your horse and doing activities with it. While these items will all slowly raise your Horse Bonding level, the quickest way to bond with your horse is going to be to lead your horse around.

To start leading your horse, approach it and then focus on it. When focused on it, you’ll see a number of options on the right-hand side of the screen including things like brush, feed, pat, flee, and lead. While focused on your horse, select the lead option. This will cause your character (Arthur or whatever character model you’re using in Red Dead Online) to grab the reins and start leading your horse. At this point you just want to start walking slowly around.
Want to get your hands on the best horses in Red Dead Redemption 2? Learn where to find the Warped Brindle Arabian horse and the White Arabian horse right now.
Overall, the leading process will take you roughly thirty to forty minutes (depending on distractions) to reach Level 4 Horse Bonding with that particular horse. While it might seem like a long time (and it will feel like a long time since you’re just walking around), this is the most effective way to raise your Horse Bonding level quickly in Red Dead Redemption 2 and Red Dead Online. You’ll be able to see any experience you earn towards Horse Bonding thanks to a small icon shaped like a horse’s head with a plus sign beside it. This icon appears on the right side of the screen each time you earn experience.
Now that you know the quickest way to raise your Horse Bonding level, you can head to the most scenic part of the map that you enjoy and start leading your horse. For more help, head back over to our Red Dead Redemption 2 guide and be sure to check out our guide on how to find all Dakota River Bend treasure locations in Red Dead Online.
Josh Hawkins posted a new article, Reach Level 4 Horse Bonding quickly in Red Dead Redemption 2