All Dakota River Bend treasure locations - Red Dead Online
A comprehensive guide to all the treasure locations for the Dakota River Bend Treasure Map in Red Dead Online.
Like many of the other Treasure Maps available in Red Dead Online, the Dakota River Bend Treasure Map contains four possible locations for players to find and acquire their reward. In this guide, we’ll break down each of the four possible locations, including map images, as well as images of the overall area where the treasure chest or lockbox can spawn.
Dakota River Bend treasure locations - Red Dead Online
Once you acquire the Dakota River Bend Treasure Map, you’re going to want to head to the area that it marks on the map. This area is just south of the Cumberland Falls location on the map, and the swath that it colors on the map is fairly large. Luckily, we’ve broken down the four spots you need to search to make it even easier to find the treasure you’re looking for.

Dakota River Bend treasure location 1 - Crates
The first location you’ll want to search is located south of the road that leads across Cumberland Falls.

Look for a group of crates and boxes around the cliff edge that we’ve marked above. If the treasure has spawned there, you’ll see a large treasure chest waiting to be pillaged.

Dakota River Bend treasure location 2 - Overhanging cliff
Just south of the first possible treasure location, players will want to check out an overhanging cliff area.

If the treasure spawns here, then you’ll be able to see it in the small alcove made underneath the overhanging cliff edge. It’s impossible to miss if it spawns here.

Dakota River Bend treasure location 3 - Fallen tree
The penultimate spawn location for the Dakota River Bend treasure can be found southwest of the second possible spawn.

Look out for the treasure chest next to a fallen tree that spawns near the edge of the cliff in this area.

Dakota River Bend treasure location 4 - Large rock
To find the fourth and final possible spawn location, head across the Dakota River and make your way to the eastern side of the river’s edge.

Here you’ll want to follow the road up to the top of the cliff and then look out for a very large rock on the side of the road, between the path and the cliff edge. If the treasure has spawned here, you’ll see a treasure chest next to a fallen tree on the ground.

If you experience any trouble finding the treasure at the locations we’ve explained above, then make sure you’re utilizing your Eagle Eye power to see the treasure sparkling when you get close to it. Now that you know all the possible Dakota River Bend treasure locations, though, you can also check out our guide on the East Watsons treasure locations, or head back over to our Red Dead Redemption 2 guide for more info.
Josh Hawkins posted a new article, All Dakota River Bend treasure locations - Red Dead Online