Upcoming Call of Duty update targets 725 shotgun & claymores

Call of Duty Modern Warfare is getting its first major update and the infamously deadly claymores and 725 shotgun are on the slate among other changes.


If you’ve played an online match of Call of Duty Modern Warfare, you’ve had it happen. You walk around a corner, minding your own business, and instantly you’re dead. Now the question: Was it a claymore or a 725 shotgun double-tap that offed you? It would appear that Activision and Infinity Ward have noticed too, because in the first upcoming COD Modern Warfare update, claymores are about to catch nerfs and 725 shotguns won’t be far behind.

We learned that the first notable Modern Warfare patch was coming on November 6, 2019 via Infinity Ward Senior Communications Manager Ashton Williams, who shared the info on Twitter. According to Williams, the prime targets up the update would be fixing bugs, weapon tuning, claymores, and footsteps to name a few. However, when questioned on the matter, the 725 shotgun also came up for changes.

In addition to the above changes, Williams also mentioned that the somewhat buggy Spec Ops mode will also be catching some fixes. Though little detail is available on what these changes would entail, it is noteworthy. While Call of Duty Modern Warfare has definitely felt like one of the best entries in the long and storied franchise so far and has the sales to show it, it’s definitely not without issues.

Many have felt that claymores are simply over the top. They’re hard to destroy and guarantee death if you’re unfortunate to run into them, and so players pepper doorways, corners, and chokepoints a plenty with them.


Claymores in Modern Warfare will have you checking every corner, every chokepoint, and every door way, or dying frequently if you don't.
Claymores in Modern Warfare as they are now will have you checking every corner, every chokepoint, and every doorway, or dying frequently if you don't.

Meanwhile, the 725 shotgun is easily the burliest of close-range weapons. At point blank, the 725 can eliminate a target with one well-placed shot, but it’s second shot follow-up is almost instant in case you want insurance. Combine this with the fact that it can also kill effectively at a pretty good distance (20 - 30 feet in some cases), and pretty much no other close-range weapon can compete all that well.

As mentioned by Williams, the COD Modern Warfare update should be out within a few days of the original post on November 6, so stay tuned for further details here at ShackNews.

[h/t: CharlieINTEL]

Senior News Editor

TJ Denzer is a player and writer with a passion for games that has dominated a lifetime. He found his way to the Shacknews roster in late 2019 and has worked his way to Senior News Editor since. Between news coverage, he also aides notably in livestream projects like the indie game-focused Indie-licious, the Shacknews Stimulus Games, and the Shacknews Dump. You can reach him at tj.denzer@shacknews.com and also find him on BlueSky @JohnnyChugs.

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