Decay of Logos interview: Not for everybody

Amplify Creations' new action adventure RPG hopes to enthrall players with a new take on classic ideas.


With its colorful palette, smooth animations, and intriguing world, Decay of Logos is one of the most anticipated action RPGs of 2019. Developer Amplify Creations delivered the game on PC and consoles (with a Switch version that followed shortly after) back in August and is betting that its unique approach to the genre will let it stand tall among its peers.

The Shacknews video team got the opportunity to speak with Decay of Logos producer Ricardo Teixeira and he went over the development history and how the final product began to take shape. He also touches on the challenging combat and how it fits into the game.

The Decay of Logos website offers the following synopsis:

Embark on a journey of revenge and betrayal set in motion by the destruction of our young adventurer's village at the hands of Crimson Knights. Find solace in your mystical elk companion as you battle the unforgiving foes that roam this once peaceful realm. Venture into ancient ruins and dungeons in search of their rewards in a quest to find the truth behind the attack of Ada’s home.

Take heed - there’s a dark and treacherous force at work in this world that corrupts even its inhabitants.

  • Third-person action/adventure RPG with an emphasis on player exploration and minimal hand-holding.
  • Challenging combat with high risk-reward battle system; various short and long-range weapons featuring different move sets, combos, and ancient magic.
  • Elk companion system; strengthen your bond with the mystical elk as you solve environmental puzzles and unravel sinister mysteries.
  • Deep lore and intricate voice-acted narrative that will leave you guessing until the end of your journey through the far-reaching ancestral high-fantasy world of Decay of Logos.

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Contributing Tech Editor

Chris Jarrard likes playing games, crankin' tunes, and looking for fights on obscure online message boards. He understands that breakfast food is the only true food. Don't @ him.

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