How to get Shadowkeep pre-order bonuses in Destiny 2

Anyone that pre-ordered Shadowkeep gets the Two-Tailed Fox rocket launcher, but it's not automatically unlocked upon firstly logging in to Destiny 2.


For those that pre-ordered Destiny 2: Shadowkeep, there are some special bonuses waiting for you in-game. However, these rewards aren’t easy to find, much like the Coldheart bonus from Destiny 2’s launch. Anyone that wants to pick up their special Two-Tailed Fox gun and cosmetic will need to do a few things first.

How to get Shadowkeep pre-order bonuses

Anyone that pre-ordered Shadowkeep will receive the Two-Tailed Fox Exotic Rocket Launcher and the Chasing Kitsune Hive-themed ornament. The only problem is that these don’t appear in your inventory when first starting Destiny 2. Unlike some other pre-order bonuses, you’ll have to complete a task before you get your shiny new toy.

Destiny 2 Shadowkeep pre-order bonus
In order to get your Two-Tailed Fox Shadowkeep pre-order bonus, you must complete the first mission on the Moon and then speak with Eris Morn.

In order to get your pre-order bonus, you must complete the first mission on the Moon and then speak with Eris Morn. It’s a small step, but definitely an important one. If you don’t know to do this mission, it’s likely that you’ll spend a lot of time simply running around the Tower searching for someone who has your gear or diving through your collections in search of it.

The Two-Tailed Fox has been in Destiny 2 since Forsaken released, and while it was never a meta weapon, it certainly had its uses. The tracking rockets make it easy to hit enemies in Crucible, while the two-elemental rockets dish out a lot of damage to enemies in PVE.

Whether or not you’ll wind up using Two-Tailed Fox is entirely up to you. There’s a good chance many of the Legendary Power weapons will fill a valuable role, or you’ll prefer to use an Exotic in another slot.

Now that you’ve unlocked your Shadowkeep pre-order bonuses, you can get back to enjoying all the new things Destiny 2 has to offer. Be sure to head over to the Shacknews Shadowkeep guide page for an ever-increasing supply of guides!

Head of Guides

Hailing from the land down under, Sam Chandler brings a bit of the southern hemisphere flair to his work. After bouncing round a few universities, securing a bachelor degree, and entering the video game industry, he's found his new family here at Shacknews as Head of Guides. There's nothing he loves more than crafting a guide that will help someone. If you need help with a guide, or notice something not quite right, you can message him on X: @SamuelChandler 

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