Borderlands 3 walkthrough, guide, FAQ
A complete hub for all the guides you'll need to survive the Borderlands and come out the strongest Vault Hunter you can be in Borderlands 3.
Borderlands 3 is finally here and the result is an explosion of blood, bullets, and epicness. If you’ve been looking for a handy place to find a ton of help with the big things—or even the little things—then this guide is exactly what you’re looking for. This article will serve as a constantly updating hub for all of our Borderlands 3 content and will feature video, guides, and even walkthroughs of more difficult quests in the game.
Want to know what we thought about Borderlands 3? You can check out our official review and read our thoughts for yourself!

Game mechanics
Quick guides to help you make the most of the basic game mechanics in Borderlands 3.
How to upgrade inventory space
Everything you’ll need to know to upgrade your inventory space—including more bullets, more room for guns, and even more grenades—in Borderlands 3.
How to gather lost loot
Don’t miss out on all the great loot you earned and learn how to check the Lost Loot Machine in Sanctuary.
How to fast travel
Get around the world easier by learning the ins and outs of the newly revamped fast travel system.
How to travel to other planets
Hop aboard your spaceship and cruise the stars by traveling to other planets.
How to use Shift Codes
Get your hands on more Golden Keys by learning how to use Shift Codes.
VIP Codes for Borderlands 3
A list of all the VIP Codes you can redeem.
Shift Codes in Borderlands 3
A list of all the Shift Codes you can redeem.
How to enable Mayhem Mode
Learn how to up the ante and enable Mayhem Mode for stronger enemies and better loot.
Where to use Golden Keys
Find out where you need to go to spend those precious Golden Keys.
How to check your mail
You’ve got mail! Here what you need to know to check it and receive loads of free guns.
What is True Vault Hunter mode?
Learn the ins and outs of True Vault Hunter mode.

Collectible guides
Your one-stop-shop for all the collectibles you can find around the different planets in Borderlands 3.
All Typhon Log locations
Find all of the Typhon logs in each area to unlock special supply drops.
All Echo Log locations
Learn the locations of every Echo Log collectible in Borderlands 3.
All dead Claptrap locations
Find all of the dead Claptrap units and help Claptrap build a new friend.
All Eridian Writings
Locate all of the special Eridian Writings scattered around the universe in Borderlands 3.

Side quests and other guides
Everything you need to know to level up, unlock new vehicles, and complete pesky side quests in Borderlands 3.
How to skip the intro cutscene
Find out how to disable the intro cutscene in Borderlands 3.
How many chapters are in Borderlands 3?
We break down the number of story missions players will need to complete to beat Borderlands 3.
How to unlock class mods
Learn how to unlock class mods and improve your Vault Hunter.
How to get the Rick and Morty gun in Borderlands 3
Learn where to find the Rick and Morty Easter Egg and acquire the Redundant Phebert shotgun.
How to get King's Call
Here's what you need to do to get the King's Call Legendary revolver.
Batman Easter Egg - I'm Rakkman
Learn where to find the Batman Easter Egg in Borderlands 3.
Rough Rider Shield
Learn how to get the Rough Rider Shield.
How to unlock the Artifact slot in Borderlands 3.
Get the Artifact slot so you can start equipped Artifacts.
Can you play as Claptrap?
Learn whether or not you can play as the beloved but goofy robot in Borderlands 3.
Destiny Easter Egg - Find Dinklebot
Find this Destiny throwback and unlock the Loot-O-Gram.
Speedloadn' Hellwalker Doom shotgun location
Learn how to get the Doom shotgun in Borderlands 3.
On the Blood Path - Kill Holder or Ramsden
Find out which one you should kill and what happens when you kill them.
Lord of the Rings Easter Egg quest location
Get yourself a sweet new shotgun and find an epic Easter Egg.
How to read Eridian Writings
Learn how to read Eridian Writers and unlock more lore in Borderlands 3.
One Punch Man shotgun Easter Egg
Learn where to find the One Punch Man shotgun in Borderlands 3.
How to change co-op Group Mode
Everything you need to know about Cooperation and Coopetition modes in Borderlands 3.
How to trade gear
Got some gear you don't want? Here's what you need to do to trade with other players.
Sell Out mission - kill yourself or destroy cameras in Borderlands 3
Find out what happens when you complete the Sell Out side mission, and how your choice changes things.
How to unlock the Porcelain Pipe Bomb
Learn how to get the most overpowered weapon in Borderlands 3.
How to open locked chests
Learn how to open up the chests marked with a "T".
How to get the Elon Musk flamethrower
Get your hands on this Legendary weapon so you can burn your enemies away.
Save or Shave Rhys' mustache?
Find out what happens when you choose to shave or save Rhys' mustache in Atlas, At Last.
Loot cave location - farm Legendaries fast
Learn the quickest way to farm for Legendary weapons.
The Feeble and the Furious - Can you kill Pappy?
Everything you need to know about Lizzie's side quest in Devil's Razor.
How to get the Eridian Fabricator, AKA "gun gun"
Learn how to get the gun that shoots guns in Borderlands 3.
Which character should you choose first?
Find out more about the four Vault Hunters in Borderlands 3.
How to respec and reset skill points
Tired of your current playstyle? Here’s everything you need to know to respec and reset your skill points.
Open the trap door in Dump on Dumptruck
Everything you need to know to open up the trap door in the side quest, Dump on Dumptruck.
How many planets can you visit in Borderlands 3?
Find out how many planets there are in the latest Borderlands adventure.
Force Troopers spawn location
Learn how to find the Force Troopers rare spawn location in Borderlands 3.
Red Jabber spawn location
Everything you need to know to locate the Red Jabber spawn location in Borderlands 3.
Road Dog spawn location
How to find Road Dog's rare spawn location in Borderlands 3.
El Dragon Jr spawn location
A quick guide to help you locate El Dragon Jr's spawn location in Borderlands 3.
Homeopathological side quest - stay peaceful or don't stay peaceful?
Find out what happens when you choose to stay peaceful or not stay peaceful in the Homeopathological side quest.
General Traunt location
Find General Traunt's location so you can farm for Legendary Weapons.
Lyuda sniper rifle guide
Everything you need to know to find the Lyuda Legendary sniper rifle in Borderlands 3.
Deathless Legendary Artifact guide
Find out how to get the Deathless Legendary Artifact in Borderlands 3.
Best guns and Legendary weapons in Borderlands 3
All the best guns and Legendary weapons in Gearbox Software's latest looter shooter.
All rare spawn hunt locations
How to find all the rare spawn hunt locations in Borderlands 3.
How to unlock new weapon slots
Find out what you need to do to unlock all the weapon slots so you can switch between even more guns in Borderlands 3.
How to get new vehicles
Get your hands on the Technical, Outrunner, and Cyclone by using this handy guide. We’ll even show you how to get upgrades!
How to make money quickly
Learn the quickest ways to make some fast cash in Borderlands 3.
How to farm Eridium
All the things you need to know to get your hands on more Eridium in Borderlands 3.
Borderlands 3 release times on PS4, Xbox One, and PC
Find out when Borderlands 3 goes live on the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Epic Games Store.
When will Borderlands 3 release on Steam?
Wanting to pick up Borderlands 3 on Steam? There’s going to be a bit of a wait. Here’s all the details.
How long does it take to beat Borderlands 3?
See just how long you’ll want to set aside to beat Borderlands 3’s campaign and take down the Calypso Twins.
Borderlands 3 voice actors and cast
Want to know who plays your favorite character? Here’s a list of all the voice actors and cast in Borderlands 3.
Will Borderlands 3 have cross play?
Find out if you can play with your friends on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, or PC across platforms.
Borderlands 3 PC requirements
Does your PC have what it takes to contain the epicness that is Borderlands 3? Here are the PC requirements!
Borderlands 3 Xbox One controls
Get ahead of the game with this handy list of all the Xbox One controls.
Borderlands 3 PlayStation 4 controls
Stay on top with this easy-to-follow list of all the PlayStation 4 controls.
How to link your Borderlands 3 Shift and Twitch accounts
Get those accounts linked and unlock some sweet rewards along the way. Who can say no to more loot?
What song is playing in the Borderlands 3 official trailer?
Looking for more great music to add to your collection? Here’s all you need to know about the song playing in the official Borderlands 3 trailer.
What song is playing in the Borderlands 3 cinematic launch trailer?
The latest cinematic launch trailer for Borderlands 3 gives us even more classic music to fall in love with. Here’s the song name and artist so you can listen for yourself!

Borderlands 3 videos
You’ll find all the great video content we’ve created while playing Borderlands 3 right here. How handy!
First two hours of gameplay
Check out the first two and a half hours of the game as we play as FL4K.
Lilith vs the Calypso Twins
The Firehawk takes on the two newest big baddies of the Borderlands universe.
Amara and ZERO gameplay
Check out some gameplay as we play as Amara and team up with ZERO to take down some baddies.
GenIVIV boss fight
Tune in as we take on one of the many bosses that players will encounter throughout Borderlands 3.
Eden-6 exploration gameplay
Join us as we explore Eden-6 and check out this dangerous yet beautiful new world.
Lilith rescue mission gameplay
Lilith is in a tough spot and needs some help. Looks like a job for the Vault Hunter.
Tyrant mini boss gameplay
Watch as we take on a new mini bosses you can come across in Borderlands 3.
E3 interview with Gearbox
Join us as we talk with people from Gearbox about Borderlands 3 back at E3 2019.
Mouthpiece boss fight gameplay
We take on the very first boss in Borderlands 3, Mouthpiece.
Gigamind boss fight gameplay
Watch as we take on the Gigamind boss in Borderlands 3.
Zane combat gameplay
Get a feel for Zane with this combat gameplay captured earlier this year.
FL4K story mission gameplay
Learn more about FL4K by checking out this mission gameplay from Borderlands 3.
FL4K combat and traversal gameplay
Join us as we explore the world as FL4K and take on tons of baddies.
Moze skill and ability tree
Get a look at Moze's skills and abilities.
Amara story gameplay
See more of what Amara the Siren has to offer in Borderlands 3.
All Balex voice lines
Hear more from Balex, everyone's favorite robot teddy bear.
Amara abilities and skills
Check out all of Amara's skills and abilities in Borderlands 3.
Zane abilities and skills
Everything you need to know about the Operative's skills and abilities.
Side quests and exploration
Join us on some random questing in Borderlands 3.
We’ll keep adding to this guide until we’ve explored every nook and cranny of the Borderlands 3 world so make sure you check back often for the most up-to-date links and information.
Josh Hawkins posted a new article, Borderlands 3 walkthrough, guide, FAQ