TAC50 blueprint location in Ghost Recon Breakpoint
Learn how to get your hands on the powerful TAC50 sniper rifle blueprint in Ghost Recon Breakpoint.
If taking out enemies from afar is the kind of thing you live for, or if you just want to have a powerful sniper rifle in your backpack for those special occasions, then look no further than the TAC50. As one of the most powerful sniper rifle variants available in Ghost Recon Breakpoint (and with quite a reputation from other games), players will want to get their hands on the TAC50 as soon as possible. To do this, though, you’re going to need to know the TAC50 blueprint location. Thankfully, we can help. Let’s dive right in.
TAC50 blueprint location in Ghost Recon Breakpoint
To find the TAC50 blueprint location the normal way you’re going to need to gather some intel. Unfortunately, it doesn’t appear that you can choose exactly which weapon you’ll unlock intel for, so you could find out early on, or later on in your playthrough depending on your luck. If you’re wanting to skip all this hubbub, though, and go right to grabbing the blueprint yourself, well let’s just say that we can help with that.
You can also pick up the M4A1 blueprint to add a great assault rifle to your arsenal.

To find the TAC50 blueprint you’re going to need to head to Smuggler Coves. Look out for a little port area to the east of White Cross Peak. This is Maunga Nui Port. The resistance here is strong, so make sure you bring along a good bit of firepower to help get the job done.

The best way to gain access to the main level of the port is by using a small platform along the northeastern corner of the area. You can access a ladder here that will lead you up to the main section, where you can start to take out many of the enemies in your way. And there are quite a few enemies here, including some machine gun-toting enemies, as well as a few automated turrets. Use your Drone to spot them all before you begin your infiltration.
Check out our guide on how to get the SC-20K blueprint in Ghost Recon Breakpoint to add more great weapons to your arsenal.
When you've cleared out all of the enemies, make your way to the central area. There's a three-story building here that you can enter. If you scouted the area with your drone, then you should have already marked the weapons case here. If you didn't, head inside and up to the second story. There's a weapons case in one of the rooms here that contains the TAC50 blueprint.

Now that you have the TAC50 blueprint, you can head to the shop and craft the weapon from the Weapon on Demand area of the screen. This will allow you to pick up the TAC50 sniper rifle at a relatively strong level, which is great for making sure you always have the weapon you want when you head back out on a mission. For more help, head back over to our Ghost Recon Breakpoint guides hub.
Josh Hawkins posted a new article, Tac 50 blueprint location in Ghost Recon Breakpoint