Latest Greedfall trailer highlights party companions

Greedfall is shaping up to be an epic RPG experience. Today's trailer highlights how players' companions will function within the game.


The upcoming Greedfall is definitely a game that has a lot of people intrigued. It has a look that seems to mash-up colonial style with that of JRPGs like Lost Odyssey. It’s a title that’s for sure piqued the interest of some of us Shackers. And today during a livestreamed episode of Inside Xbox coming at us straight from Gamescom we got some new details regarding Greedfall and how players will interact with their teams in-game.

Greedfall will feature a number of companions
Greedfall will feature a number of companions

In Greedfall, you play as a diplomat trying to bring peace to the new land. Players must work with factions from all across the land in order to accomplish their goals. Players will put together parties of three characters to travel the land and quest. Party composition looks like it will be key to combat victory. Setting up the party so that the brawlers are upfront and the ranged weapons and spell casters are in the back will be key.

Throughout the game, players will have to maintain relationships with their companions, and perhaps even take things a bit further with some savvy seduction. Dialogs and diplomacy are going to be a big deal and characters will chime in depending on your decisions. Pay attention to party members needs and they should serve you well, but ignore them and they may just leave you.

Greedfall seems to have a lot of expectations to live up and fans will get a chance to find out if it lives up to hype when it launched on Xbox One, PC. and PS4 on September 10. In the meantime, be sure to check out all the news from today’s Inside Xbox as well as everything coming out of Gamescom right here at Shacknews.

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Blake has been writing and making videos about pop-culture and games for over 10 years now. Although he'd probably prefer you thought of him as a musician and listened to his band, If you see him on the street, buy him a taco or something. Follow him on twitter @ProfRobot

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