Aggravated Battery bounty in Destiny 2
Learn what type of High-Value Target you need to kill to complete the Aggravated Battery Solstice of Heroes bounty in Destiny 2
Aggravated Battery is a bounty offered by Eva Levante during Solstice of Heroes 2019 in Destiny 2. The goal players are given with this bounty is to hunt and kill High-Value Targets (HVTs). The problem with this is that the game isn’t exactly clear what it means by HVTs. Instead of wasting time killing the wrong enemy, here’s exactly what you need to kill to complete the Aggravated Battery bounty and claim your Solstice Key Fragments.
How to complete Aggravated Battery bounty
The Aggravated Battery bounty in Destiny 2 requires High-Value Targets to be killed. The HVTs you want are the randomly spawning, roaming minibosses in Patrol. These are tough, named enemies that often have a shield. The problem with these is that they do not spawn very frequently, making it a bit of a chore to kill them.

A good example of a High-Value Target you should kill is the roaming Captain on Nessus. Using the Exodus Black fast travel point, drop down into the large field near the crashed ship and wait for the Fallen Captain to spawn. The Captain, and all the other High-Value Targets that count toward the bounty, spawn every 5 or so minutes. You will be waiting quite a while to be able to get all three kills required.
It’s important to note that for the Aggravated Battery bounty, you must have an Arc subclass equipped. If you have a different subclass equipped, the kill will not count and you must wait for the miniboss to respawn or find a different one to kill. The same rules apply for the Extinguish Them bounty, and the Void version.
With the Aggravated Battery bounty complete, you will receive the Solstice Key Fragments and possibly level up a piece of armor. For more Solstice of Heroes 2019 guides, check out the Shacknews Destiny 2 complete strategy guide.
Sam Chandler posted a new article, Aggravated Battery bounty in Destiny 2