Fortnite v9.40 patch notes brings back the Tactical Shotgun
A fan-favorite weapon has returned in all its glory and a slew of tournaments are incoming to Fortnite!
Fortnite has received update v9.40, which includes a whole host of changes, improvements, tweaks and bug fixes. However, most players will no doubt be thrilled about one piece of information in particular. That’s right, the Tactical Shotgun is making its triumphant return to the battlefield.
Fortnite v9.40 patch notes
This latest Fortnite update is a little light on content when compared to some of the previous drops players have received in the past. These sorts of lulls are to be expected, especially as Fortnite approaches the end of its 9th in-game season. But, with the closing out of season 9 comes the ushering in of a new, bigger and bolder season. For now though, there’s still plenty to enjoy.
Probably the biggest takeaway from the Fortnite July 17 update is that the Tactical Shotgun is returning to the game. Players will be able to find the Tac in an Epic and Legendary variant, which will deal 83 and 87 damage respectively. It can be looted from the floor, chests, supply drops, carriers, and vending machines, making it reasonably easy to acquire.

The other weapons receiving some love is the Semi-Auto Sniper Rifle, which is receiving a reduced zoom; the Combat Shotgun, which will have its headshot damage and range nerfed; and finally the Suppressed Bolt-Action Sniper Rifle, which has been vaulted. However, the normal Bolt-Action Sniper Rifle has been unbolted, so you can still get your bolt-action fix.
A new tournament on Xbox One will be available to all players on July 20th and July 21st. With a $1,000,000 prize pool, you’ll want to get involved! There will also be a Squads Cash Cup on July 21st with a pirze pool of $1,000,000. It’s going to be a good weekend for a few people!
Creative is also getting some love with floating islands and a ball spawner. Create some awesome builds floating above the land and design some unique ball-related games. Maybe some kind of golf across the floating islands?
There’s a lot more in the patch notes, including hundreds of bug fixes, and it can all be dissected over on Epic Games. Check out the Shacknews Fortnite page for the latest Fortnite Battle Pass challenges guides!
Sam Chandler posted a new article, Fortnite v9.40 patch notes brings back the Tactical Shotgun