Where to find public service announcement signs in Fortnite
Learn how to find and visit public service announcement signs in Fortnite
We’re finally here, the last batch of challenges for Fortnite season 9 has arrived, and that means we’re close to the next island changing event. One of the latest challenges for the season tasks players with visiting a series of public service announcement signs that have been erected around the island. This guide will show you how to find each of the propaganda signs that are hidden around the map.
Fortnite public service announce sign locations
To complete the challenge, you’ll need to find and visit five of the public service announcement signs that have been posted around the map. Thankfully, finding these posters is easy to do when you know where to look, so make sure you take a look at our map below to see where each of the signs is located at around the island.

As you can see, at least a couple of the signs can be found in Neo Tilted, while another few are located in the Mega Mall area. Finally, there are even more erected inside the robotics factory where the Pressure Plant was built after the volcano’s eruption. At least, these are the only ones that we’ve managed to locate during our time looking. Since you only need five, though, so the signs found in the areas we’ve outlined on the map above should do the trick.
Finding the signs shouldn’t be too difficult, just wander around the areas and look for the public service announcements. We were able to find more than enough to complete the challenge, so you should be able to do the same. Now that you know how to find the public service announcement signs in Fortnite. You can also return to our main Fortnite guides hub for more helpful content or follow Shacknews on Twitter to see even more breaking news and other content right on your timeline.
Josh Hawkins posted a new article, Where to find public service announcement signs in Fortnite