Fortnite giant beach ball locations
Learn where to find the Giant Beach Ball you need to bounce to complete one of the challenges in Fortnite's 14 Days of Summer event.
If you’re kicking off the 14 Days of Summer event in Fortnite, then you’ve got a few new challenges to pick up on. One challenge will require players to bounce a giant beach ball in different matches. To complete the challenge, you’re going to need to find all the giant beach ball locations in Fortnite, as this will make it much easier to complete the challenge. Below you’ll find a detailed guide with every location you need to visit, so let’s dive right in.
Fortnite giant beach ball locations
It’s very possible that you’ve already seen one of the giant beach balls that have begun to appear during Fortnite’s 14 Days of Summer event. They’re pretty easy to spot from the air, which makes them easy to land near. So far it looks like three beach balls have been located around the island, each of which will no doubt be the location of many a firefight over the coming couple of days.

To find all three beach ball locations, look at the map above. All you need to do when you get to one of the beach balls is hit it with your pickaxe. This will cause it to bounce, rewarding you with progression on your challenge. We’ve also outlined the three locations below:
- Look just to the northwest of Paradise Palms, close to the bridge that connects the desert and grassland biomes.
- The second beach ball can be found north of Loot Lake, between the lake and The Block.
- Finally, the third beach ball that people have managed to find is located southwest of Dusty Divot, between Neo Tilted and Salty Springs.
Now that you know how to find the giant beach ball locations, make sure you head back over to our Fortnite guides hub for even more help during the 14 Days of Summer. Be sure to hit the beach balls in five different matches to complete the challenge and follow Shacknews on Twitter for more news and strategy content.
Josh Hawkins posted a new article, Fortnite giant beach ball locations