How to fast travel in The Sinking City
Learn how to get around quickly using the fast travel system in The Sinking City.
Oakmont is a fairly large place as far as cities go and getting around the world in The Sinking City will require you to move between on-foot travel and traveling in boats through flooded portions of the city. To make getting around easier, you can unlock various fast travel points around the map. This guide will show you how to unlock these points and how to use the fast travel system in The Sinking City.
How to fast travel in The Sinking City
If you want to get around the city quickly, then learning how to fast travel is going to be key. You can start unlocking fast travel points as soon as you visit the Devil’s Reef inn, where Charles Reed has a room. Outside you’ll find the first fast travel point, a phone booth. Walk up to it and you can interact with it to see a map of various fast travel points around the city.

It should be noted that no fast travel points will appear until you visit them and unlock them throughout the city, so the first time you look at the map you won’t see any additional locations you can travel to.
You can unlock various fast travel points by exploring the different districts within the city. It appears that most districts have three or four travel points, though, which should make it easy to get around the city when you’ve unlocked more of them. Fast travel points will appear as a compass face on your map and HUD compass, so be sure to make your way towards them when they pop up. As you get closer, they’ll eventually unlock, allowing you to use them. It’s highly recommended that you unlock as many of these points as possible, as you’ll be traveling back and forth between places quite a bit.
Now that you know how to fast travel be sure to head back over to our The Sinking City guides for more helpful content. You can also follow Shacknews on Twitter to keep up with even more great content surrounding the latest games, tech, and news.
Josh Hawkins posted a new article, How to fast travel in The Sinking City