Where was the Sony PS4 State of Play at E3 2019?

With Xbox making such a huge show of force at E3 this year, many were left wondering where was the Sony PS4 State of Play at E3 2019?


This year’s E3 has been a pretty big one so far, with Square Enix revealing a Final Fantasy 7 Remake release date, as well as a ton of other great announcements. With so much going on, fans have still been left wondering why Sony didn’t attend. Even more intriguing, though, is the fact that the company hasn’t even scheduled one of their new direct-style updates. So, where exactly was the Sony PS4 State of Play at E3 2019? That’s a very good question.

Where was the Sony PS4 State of Play at E3 2019?

Unfortunately, Sony decided to skip out of this year’s E3 festivities, instead letting Microsoft take the reigns with some new Xbox updates, as well as news about their upcoming console. Giving Microsoft such an open window to steal the show already made almost no sense to fans, but then Square Enix revealed more about Final Fantasy 7 Remake, something that felt like it would have fit right into the PlayStation 4 E3 conference, or even better, a new Sony PS4 State of Play direct. Sadly, we saw neither this year and it has left fans a bit confused.

Where was the Sony PS4 State of Play at E3 2019?
Sony could have showed off more of the Final Fantasy 7 Remake during its E3 conference... if it had one.

Sony announced several months back that the company wouldn’t be attending E3 2019, which means it shouldn’t come as much of a surprise that we haven’t seen them around. Still, though, I know many of us expected them to come out of the woodworks somewhere, revealing something or even just holding a direct. There’s been no news of a new State of Play for PS4 just yet, and it’s still unclear when we’ll hear from Sony about upcoming PlayStation 4 titles, or even the PlayStation 5. The company is holding things pretty close to the chest for the moment, which means we’ll have to wait and see how they play out.

We will, of course, keep an eye out for any updates, and be sure to include those updates here in this article should the need arise. Make sure you keep an eye out on our E3 2019 hub and be sure to follow Shacknews on Twitter to have more great content delivered right to your timeline.

Guides Editor

Joshua holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Creative Writing and has been exploring the world of video games for as long as he can remember. He enjoys everything from large-scale RPGs to small, bite-size indie gems and everything in between.

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