Freedom Finger's E3 2019 trailer pokes fun at shmups

The music-driven shoot-em-up Freedom Finger aims to give the finger to its contemporaries.


While Freedom Finger was previously announced earlier this year, it made an excellent second impression by way of its appearance during the Kind Funny Games E3 2019 stream. Developers Wide Right Entertainment have built a game where players guide a hand through  multiple levels of chaos. This shoot-em-up is heavily music-driven and features an eye-popping soundtrack from some of today’s best rock acts.

The game’s soundtrack including music by Red Fang, METZ, Power Trip, Com Truise, White Fence, Ty Segall, Makeup and Vanity Set, True Widow, The Radio Dept., Drab Majesty, John Maus, Vektroid, Danimal Cannon, Cleaners from Venus, Male Gaze, Ezee Tiger, The Mall, and many more!

Additional features include:

  • Rhythm based chaos! The music is heavily connected to the gameplay, so things like enemies, bosses, attacks, and events are synced to the music.
  • Fight your way through 36 handcrafted levels, spread out over 12 worlds! Each world features new enemies, power-ups, and challenges!
  • A wide selection of difficulty settings. Whether you want to chill and enjoy the story or crank the difficulty for a butt-blasting ridiculous challenge, we've got you covered!
  • A highly satirical storyline that explores hot-button topics such as communism, US foreign policy, sriracha sauce, and crafting in videogames.

You can learn more about all the titles shown during the Kinda Funny Indie E3 2019 stream and the other games featured at E3 2019 by heading over to our main event hub. To keep track of all the new video game release dates in 2019, make sure you check out our guide and don’t forget to follow Shacknews on Twitter for the latest real-time updates on all our content.

Contributing Tech Editor

Chris Jarrard likes playing games, crankin' tunes, and looking for fights on obscure online message boards. He understands that breakfast food is the only true food. Don't @ him.

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