The Uncharted movie finally has a release date, maybe

Sony's attempt to bring the Uncharted franchise to the big screen could finally actually be happening, maybe.


It’s been over 10 years since talk about making a movie based around the Uncharted series first popped up with some rumors in 2008. Now, after several years of going back and forth, Sony has finally revealed that the Uncharted franchise’s first foray into big-screen production, titled Uncharted, will premiere on December 18, 2020, with Tom Holland heading up the star list.

The Hollywood Reporter picked up the story yesterday, revealing that Sony has brought on Jonathon Rosenberg and Mark Walker to pen the story of a young Nathan Drake. Holland, who is known for his role as Spider-Man in the latest batch of web-slinger themed movies, will take on the role of the series’ main protagonist, Nathan Drake, and the movie itself will follow a younger Drake as he meets up with Victor “Sully” Sullivan, Drake’s mentor and long-time friend, for the first time.

The Uncharted movie tells how Nathan Drake and Victor Sullivan met.
The Uncharted movie will tell how Nathan Drake and Victor Sullivan met.

This isn’t the first time that the Uncharted movie has had a release date “set in stone”, though. Back in 2014, Sony said that the movie would be releasing in 2016, however that year came and went without any kind of theater release. The movie is now on its fifth director, with Dan Trachtenberg—the director of 10 Cloverfield Lane—taking lead of the project.

It’s unclear if we’ll actually see a final release out of this version of the Uncharted movie or not, but it’s definitely been a storied journey so far. Of course, all these years of waiting means that Sony really has to up their game and deliver a great product, or Uncharted fans are going to be even more disappointed than they would have been with a crappy movie several years ago.

We’ll continue to keep an eye out for more details about the upcoming Uncharted movie. With E3 2019 coming up, it’s very possible that we could see some more news about the movie dropping somewhere down the line, if Sony wants to surprise their fans.

Guides Editor

Joshua holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Creative Writing and has been exploring the world of video games for as long as he can remember. He enjoys everything from large-scale RPGs to small, bite-size indie gems and everything in between.

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