Rainbow Six Siege community dev talks Operation Phantom Sight

We sat down with Craig Robinson, Community Developer for Rainbow Six Siege to get the latest details on anything and everything Operation Phantom Sight related.


Season 4 of Rainbow Six Siege is coming up just around the corner. Dubbed “Operation Phantom Sight” the latest expansion adds two new characters, gives an existing map a face-lift, and adds a ton of new nuanced features to the world of Siege, including ranked UI updates. During a recent hands-on event for the upcoming content, we had the opportunity to sit down with Rainbow Six Siege’s Community Developer Craig Robinson to discuss all the new features in detail.

Operation Phantom Sight Interview Screenshot 01

As I talked about in detail in my hands-on preview, the two new playable characters in Operation Phantom Sight focus on stealth and counter-stealth tactics. Nokk introduces a stealth suit to the game and Warden has special glasses that can see through not only Nokk’s suit but flashbangs and smoke grenades as well. During the interview, Craig goes into detail about how they both fit into the metagame, strategies for using both, and the challenges of finding a balance between old and new characters.

Along with the two new playable characters, Operation Phantom Sight also makes some major changes to the Kafe Dostoyevky map. Craig discusses how a few things have been moved around here and there, and some details have changed to up the tactical appeal and why. There’s also a ton of new info on UI updates, as well as tweaks to gameplay and other such patches throughout the interview. You can check out everything we chatted about in the embedded video below to get an in-depth look at all the details for yourself.

For more Rainbow Six Siege: Operation Phantom Sight coverage, including exclusive gameplay, and more video game interviews be sure to subscribe to our Shacknews and GamerHubTV YouTube channels. And be sure to check back here for the latest Rainbow Six Siege news, including coverage of the upcoming esports season.

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Blake has been writing and making videos about pop-culture and games for over 10 years now. Although he'd probably prefer you thought of him as a musician and listened to his band, www.cartoonviolencemusic.com. If you see him on the street, buy him a taco or something. Follow him on twitter @ProfRobot

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