Mortal Kombat 11 has been spilling blood and cracking skulls for almost a week. It's the latest in NetherRealm's iconic series of fighting games, which has continued to push its formula forward while retaining much of its vintage charm. This includes those ever-recognizable calls of "Flawless Victory" and "Fatality!"
NetherRealm also opened the door for more than one voice to spout out those classic lines. During last Monday's Kombat Kast live stream, fans learned that by tying their console copy of MK11 to Mortal Kombat Mobile, they would unlock a special Kronika announcer voice for the former and some bonus rewards for the latter. The implication is that the door is open for more announcer voices in the future, though NetherRealm hasn't offered any hints as to "Who's Next?"
For today, Shacknews would like to weigh in on potential future announcer packs for MK11. If we're going to decapitate someone or use someone's torso as a ventriloquist dummy (yes, that's an actual thing), we'd like to mix up the voices that give us the "Fatality!" call. We certainly have some ideas as to who would best fit in as a guest announcer.

We're kicking off this list with the most practical choice. Sub-Zero hasn't exactly been at the top of any food chains, compared to big bad villains like Shao Kahn and Kronika. But Grandmaster Sub-Zero's developed into one of the most iconic voices of the modern Mortal Kombat generation.
For those who don't know, Sub-Zero is voiced by veteran voice actor Steve Blum. His resume in the world of animation is unparalleled, but he also boasts an extensive list of video game voice roles that includes StarCraft's Abathur, Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor/War's Sauron, Guild Wars 2's Rytlock Brimstone, and the Marvel games' Wolverine, just to name a few. Blum brings a gruff intensity to Sub-Zero, most recently evidenced by his Story Mode confrontations with Sektor and Frost. He's made the character his own since the 2011 Mortal Kombat reboot, which also extends to his cameo as a DLC character in Injustice 2.
Though his Sub-Zero is intense, Blum's portrayal of the character is also subdued compared to the booming mockery of Shao Kahn. Hearing him recite the various announcer lines would be similar to the original announcer, but different enough to feel like a treat. Plus, hearing him yell "Cassandra Cage!" every time someone selects Cassie would be fun.

Shang Tsung
This one feels like a no-brainer, mainly because of Cary Tagawa's involvement in Mortal Kombat 11. Yes, don't forget that the original 1994 Mortal Kombat movie actor is back to reprise his role in MK11. Shang Tsung has already been confirmed as DLC fighter #1, but what if NetherRealm went a step further?
What if NetherRealm really wanted to have fun with Cary Tagawa's involvement in Mortal Kombat 11 by having him play a similar role to his original movie incarnation of Shang Tsung. Have him re-do his classic "Flawless Victory" and "Fatality" calls. Maybe even find a spot for him to say, "Your soul is mine!" It would double as a fun way to mix up the announcer packs and as a way to honor the franchise's 25-year-old cinematic adaptation.

NetherRealm hasn't been shy about crossing streams when it comes to the Injustice franchise. Multiple Mortal Kombat characters have made cameos in their sister superhero fighting game series. But let's go beyond the addition of an Injustice DLC fighter. How about using one of the game's most recognizable voices as an announcer?
Joker gleefully calling out "Fatality!" after somebody gets their block knocked off would bring a different kind of joy than the usual announcer fare. Shao Kahn does take pleasure in his calls, but Joker would outright revel in them. The bonus here would be if the signature Joker laugh would play after an uppercut.
A Mark Hamill-voiced Joker announcer pack would be a must-have and something that publisher Warner Bros. could have little trouble putting together.

Klassic Shao Kahn
While Mortal Kombat has entertained fans for generations, there's still a percentage of players that's been around from the very beginning. There are those who've been around since the original Mortal Kombat and through the game's original 2D generation of games.
Those players will have fond memories of the original Shao Kahn voice. It's the voice that sounded somewhat muffled and somewhat flat. Compare how MK11 Shao Kahn tells you that you suck to how the original MK2 and MK3 Shao Kahn says that same phrase. The latter phrase has such a constant cadence, but is no less cutting in its mockery.
Because of the older generation's affinity for the original Shao Kahn, why not offer that option as a bonus announcer pack? Let those who were there from the start hear the stilted arcade laughter, for old time's sake.
Tim Kitzrow
If we're talking about announcer voices, they don't come better than the legendary voice of NBA Jam. One of my personal highlights of 2018 was getting a chance to speak to the man himself for an hour on the phone for an exclusive interview, hearing him reel off a slew of entertaining voices. The man's one of the best in the business, which is why it's nice to hear that other games have tapped him to lend his voice to their games. Whether it's in an official capacity like Mutant Football League or as a special add-on, as is the case in Rage 2.
This is far from the most ridiculous idea for using Tim Kitzrow. If someone can put together a DOTA Jam announcer pack, then why shouldn't Tim Kitzrow get a chance to be a Mortal Kombat announcer? I want a world where Shao Kahn slams his hammer on an opponent's head and bursts it open like a melon, while Kitzrow yells "BRUTALITY! BOOMSHAKALAKA!" The best part would be if Kitzrow played the whole thing completely straight, like he was calling NBA Jam. Imagine the upbeat, enthusiastic, exhuberant calls of "FLAWLESS VICTORY! HE'S ON FIRE!" as a complete contrast to the voices of the other, more serious announcers.
Mortal Kombat's sure to have a slew of "serious" announcer packs, but why not offer something totally different? Tim Kitzrow going from arcade basketball to a bloody fighting game would certainly be that.
Those are our announcer pack suggestions. Do you have any suggestions? Join the conversation and let us know in the comments.
Ozzie Mejia posted a new article, Mortal Kombat 11 - 5 announcer packs we want to see