Destiny 2 Revelry event adds new armor and Arbalest exotic
The Revelry armor can have ornaments that grow with more pieces equipped, and Guardians can earn the Arbalest exotic fusion rifle for Destiny 2 as well.
Buckle up, Guardians, the Revelry event is coming to Destiny 2 next week bringing with it new armor, cosmetics, and the Arbalest, an exotic kinetic fusion rifle that deals extra damage to shields. All this new content will be presented by one of the most loved characters in all the Destiny universe, Eva Levante, as she helps us all celebrate spring.
The Revelry event
The spring event will kick off on Tuesday, April 16, 2019 as part of the weekly reset and will conclude on Tuesday, May 7, 2019, which should also coincide with the weekly reset. This gives Guardians three weeks to dive in and snatch up all the gear they can get their grubby little Void-wielding hands on.

The event will focus on colorful arrangements both in the Tower and across the Solar System. Like Festival of the Lost, but with a spring twist instead of Halloween. This will extend to the Verdant Forest, which will be an iteration of the Infinite Forest.
Guardians will find a new twist when they enter the Verdant Forest in the need to defeat enemies and clear rooms. The more rooms cleared, the more time Guardians will have to defeat an onslaught of bosses and claim rewards. This activity will allow fireteams to enter together, solo Guardians to matchmake with other solo players, and brave solo Guardians to go it alone, although this is usually not wise.
The Revelry armor

This event will temporarily change the way Guardians view the Light and how they wield it. When first visiting the Tower, Eva will give Guardians the Reveler’s Tonic. This tonic can be filled by entering the Verdant Forest and killing enemies, or by completing other activities. Three different tonics will reduce either grenade, melee, or class ability cooldowns, and Guardians get to choose which they prefer.
Guardians can also earn both the Inaugural Revelry or Vernal Growth armor in the Verdant Forest, Eververse, or by completing weekly powerful bounties from Eva Levante. The more armor a Guardian equips, the more potent their tonic will be in every activity in Destiny 2 besides private matches.
Guardians will also earn Reveler’s Essence as they complete activities. This can be turned into Eva for more rewards, including world drops, Enhancement Cores, and ornaments for the Inaugural Revelry helmet. The ornaments will grow in size for every piece of Inaugural Revelry or Vernal Growth armor equipped.
Arbalest exotic kinetic fusion rifle

Cosmetics are great and new armor is always welcome, but nothing gets the community fired up like an exotic weapon to chase. The Arbalest exotic kinetic fusion rifle can be awarded for completing triumphs and turning in Reveler’s Essence to Eva. This exotic fusion rifle is a game changer thanks to its intrinsic perk Compounding Force. This perk causes the weapon to deal massive damage to elemental shields.
Double cosmetic drops

Players at max level with access to the right content will receive double drops every time they level up. These drops will include a Bright Engram, which is standard for leveling up now, as well as a Revelry Engram, which will contain cosmetics specific to the event. The Revelry Engram will come with protection to ensure Guardians are not receiving duplicate rewards.
The Revelry event in Destiny 2 sounds like a good way to spice things up during the Joker’s Wild season, and you’ll hear nobody complain about getting more time to hang out with Eva Levante (seriously, read her lore and appreciate, Guardian) or earning new armor. We’ll be covering the event extensively so make sure to keep a close eye on the Destiny 2 complete strategy guide for help.
Bill Lavoy posted a new article, Destiny 2 Revelry event adds new armor and Arbalest exotic