Apex Legends is getting a new gun tomorrow

Unleash havoc on the field with Apex Legends' first piece of free content: a new weapon!


Apex Legends has been out for barely three weeks and it’s already getting its first piece of free content. Players that update their game on February 20th and dive in for a match might come across a brand new weapon. While little is known about this gun, Respawn Entertainment were at least nice enough to share a video of it in action on their Twitter account. It's also been given a name: Havoc.

Outside of the grainy video evidence, we know very little about this gun. However, we do know it is called Havoc, but there are also some educated guesses we can make about how it works. From the video, we can tell it’s likely in the assault rifle or light machine gun archetype, though chances are it’s an assault rifle.

It also appears as if Havoc is an energy weapon, which would make sense given that the other assault rifles fill the heavy and light ammo slots. Much like the other weapons in the archetype, it appears as if Havoc will also feature an alt-fire mode. This can be seen briefly at the end of the video and looks as if it’s a charge-up shotgun blast.

The gun actually appeared in the official cinematic trailer being welding by none other than the ever-friendly Pathfinder. It’s appearances don’t stop there, as REZ.gg has also got the Havoc rifle listed in its database – though none of this is set in stone. Based on the information in the tables, it appears as if Havoc will be able to use both the Turbocharger and Selectfire Receiver hop-up. These will likely change whether the gun is full-auto or the charge shot.

It’s certainly an exciting time to be a fan of Apex Legends, as we’re just weeks away from the first Battle Pass. Only a few hours remain before Havoc is released into Apex Legends, and then we’ll know everything about this new gun. Keep it locked to Shacknews for the latest Apex Legends news and guides.

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Hailing from the land down under, Sam Chandler brings a bit of the southern hemisphere flair to his work. After bouncing round a few universities, securing a bachelor degree, and entering the video game industry, he's found his new family here at Shacknews as a Guides Editor. There's nothing he loves more than crafting a guide that will help someone. If you need help with a guide, or notice something not quite right, you can message him on X: @SamuelChandler 

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