What Javelin to pick first in Anthem

Learn which of the four Javelins to pick first in Anthem: the Ranger, Colossus, Storm, or Interceptor.


Flying around in a Javelin and shooting aliens is what makes Anthem so great. At the start of the game, players are introduced to the basic mechanics using the Ranger class and are then allowed to pick one to keep. With a total of four classes to choose from, and the option to only pick one at the start, knowing what Javelin to pick first in Anthem can be tricky.

What Javelin to pick

The right Javelin for you will be entirely personal preference. Some people will prefer a faster, more nimble playstyle while others might like to shrug off damage but move real slow. It’s important to remember that you’re not limited to a single Javelin, as you will always have the option to unlock the other Javelins.

Anyone who’s familiar with Destiny should be able to find similarities between the Colossus, Storm, and Interceptor Javelins with Destiny’s Titan, Warlock, and Hunter classes, respectively. Though there are quite a lot of differences, the ideology behind how these classes and Javelins function is quite similar.

Anthem Javelin Ranger
The Ranger Javelin is the jack-of-all-trades in Anthem.


The Ranger, as experienced in the opening missions, is an average all-rounder Javelin. This class is perfect for the player that wants decent armor as well as great damage output. The playstyle of the Ranger lends itself to a more soldier-like experience, using grenades and missile barrages to combat enemies. If you’re not too sure about the other classes, the Ranger is an excellent place to start.

Anthem Javelin Colossus
The Colossus is perfect for the player that doesn't want to worry too much about their health.


The Colossus is your walking tank. This Javelin is nearly impervious to damage, so long as it keeps moving and keeps its shield up. It doesn’t actually come with a rechargeable shield, so to make up for this it has a bigger health bar and a physical shield it holds. Due to its incredible size, the Colossus is the slowest of the Javelins, lacks any form of dodge, and will overheat faster when flying. If you’re the type of player that likes to get up close and personal with the enemy, while being able to take a lot of damage, the Colossus is for you.

Anthem Javelin Storm
The Storm is best fit for the player who wants to attack from range.


The Storm is the mage-like Javelin in Anthem. Excelling at long range combat, the Storm keeps out of the fight and attacks using elemental-based abilities. The Storm is perfect for the player that likes a “glass cannon” playstyle, where all the points have been placed into “damage” leaving the “health” incredibly low. That is to say, the Storm is squishy, dying in seconds to basic enemies if overrun. To combat this, the Storm has a unique ability to be able to hover for significantly longer than the other classes, keeping it above the battlefield and turning it into an Apache helicopter raining down destruction.

Anthem Javelin Interceptor
The Interceptor is a rogue fighter that excels at close-quarters combat.


The Interceptor Javelin is the classic in-your-face melee class that decimates the battlefield. Though it might not be as well-armored as the Colossus, the Interceptor is just as capable in close-quarters. To make up for the lack of armor, it can move extremely quickly, flipping around the battlefield with ease. There’s a certain style to the Interceptor’s movement, making it a prime choice for any player that likes a bit of flourish with their attacks.

Picking the right Javelin for your playstyle is an important decision all players will need to make in the few moments of Anthem. While all four Javelins are vastly different, each one is just as viable as the next. In the event you don’t immediately gel with the Javelin you’ve chosen, you’ll be able to pick another one soon enough. Head over to the Shacknews Anthem game guides and walkthrough for more helpful tips.

Head of Guides

Hailing from the land down under, Sam Chandler brings a bit of the southern hemisphere flair to his work. After bouncing round a few universities, securing a bachelor degree, and entering the video game industry, he's found his new family here at Shacknews as Head of Guides. There's nothing he loves more than crafting a guide that will help someone. If you need help with a guide, or notice something not quite right, you can message him on X: @SamuelChandler 

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  • reply
    February 18, 2019 7:30 PM

    Sam Chandler posted a new article, What Javelin to pick first in Anthem

    • reply
      February 18, 2019 11:06 PM

      Nice post! I really like Storm. His a Grade A. I love his priming and denoting abilities at high ranges. It's also nice that his also able to hover and teleport. Plus, if you want to beat GM difficulties, you are most likely to choose Storm to get groups. I kinda like Ranger as well. The damage it inflicts on priority targets sustains. However, it's a single target DPS machine and kinda struggles on AoE.

    • reply
      February 19, 2019 1:24 AM


      • reply
        February 19, 2019 5:37 AM


      • reply
        February 19, 2019 5:52 AM

        No way to tell you that—try each one and see what fits your playstyle. They all play so differently (and I’ve only tried two), which is a real strength of this game. These aren’t just re-skins.

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