How to make Vanilla Blades in Destiny 2
Eva Levante wants Guardians to bake Vanilla Blades for Lord Shaxx, and our guide will explain what ingredients are required and where to find them.
Eva Levante has asked Guardians to bake many items this holiday season, one of which is Vanilla Blades for Lord Shaxx. Like all recipes, it requires three ingredients, but these ones are relatively easy to come by for those that know what to look for.

How to make Vanilla Blades
- 1 x Cabal Oil
- 1 x Sharp Flavors
- 15 x Essence of the Dawning
The easiest way to collect the ingredients for Vanilla Blades would be to bring a sword and spawn into any location with a lot of Cabal. Cabal Oil, as one might expect, just drops from the Cabal as Guardians are able to defeat them. Sharp Flavors, however, are earned by getting kills with swords. My suggestion is to head to Nessus and, more specifically, Artifact’s Edge. There is a public event there that features Cabal, and Guardians that rally to the flag will end up with full Heavy Ammo. When the event begins, start cutting through the Cabal with a sword and the ingredients should drop in no time. Essence of the Dawning, on the other hand, is earned through event or bounty completion. A single Crucible match or strike will give Guardians between 12 and 17 Essence of the Dawning for each one completed.

It’s also worth noting that once Guardians have learned every recipe that Eva Levante requires, they will be able to upgrade their oven to a Masterworks version, and this requires less Essence of the Dawning per recipe. Instead of 15 per item baked, Guardians only need 10. This is essential to save on resources as the Dawning event continues.
Now that we all know how to make Vanilla Blades, Eva Levante and Lord Shaxx will be pleased. There are other things to bake, though, so be sure to visit our guide on all of Eva Levante’s baking recipes, including where to find each ingredient.
Bill Lavoy posted a new article, How to make Vanilla Blades in Destiny 2