Runefest Interview: Connecting with the players on a much closer level

Jagex's Matt Casey discusses the impact of Runefest on the universe of Runescape.


For eight consecutive years, fans of the MMO Runescape have gathered for the mother of all fan celebrations in the form of Runefest. The annual gathering bring fans of the game from all corners of the globe together to celebrate their love of the MMO and it gives them a chance to interact directly with the creators. We got a chance to speak with Runescape developer Jagex’s Matt Casey and got his thoughts on the importance of Runefest to the future of the Runescape universe.

Casey explains that while the team is always monitoring forums and social media, they greatly value the face-to-face time they get to spend with the hardcore fans at Runefest. He also dives into how the team approaches announcement their future plans and the consequences of not meeting publicly announced goals. Also discussed is the variety of new content that players can expect from Jagex in the coming months.

For more interviews, gameplay footage, and more, be sure to subscribe to Shacknews and GamerHub.TV on YouTube.

Contributing Tech Editor

Chris Jarrard likes playing games, crankin' tunes, and looking for fights on obscure online message boards. He understands that breakfast food is the only true food. Don't @ him.

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