Prey interview: Creative Director Ricardo Bare talks asymmetrical multiplayer

Ricardo Bare talks about asymmetrical multiplayer and environmental storytelling challenges with Prey's Mooncrash DLC.


Arkane Studios and Bethesda are both known for creating some of the best single-player experiences in video games today. While Prey may have flown slightly under the radar compared to the likes of Dishonored, Fallout, and Wolfenstein, it still maintained the high-quality level of environmental storytelling that Bethesda and the studios within it are known for. That environmental focus will continue in the latter part of 2018, but this time it will be in Prey’s upcoming asymmetrical multiplayer mode where players become mimics, the game’s hilarious and terrifying enemies you might recall from the campaign.

Creative Director Ricardo Bare sits down with Greg Burke to discuss this upcoming multiplayer mode, as well as Mooncrash, Prey’s already released DLC, and the challenges of environmental storytelling in randomly generated circumstances.

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Bill, who is also known as Rumpo, is a lifelong gamer and Toronto Maple Leafs fan. He made his mark early in his career through guide writing and a deep understanding of editorial SEO. He enjoys putting in the work to create a great content, be it a wild feature or grinding out an in-depth collectible guide. Tweet him @RumpoPlays if you have a question or comment about one of his articles.

From The Chatty
  • reply
    October 11, 2018 12:30 PM

    Bill Lavoy posted a new article, Prey interview: Creative Director Ricardo Bare talks asymmetrical multiplayer

    • reply
      October 11, 2018 10:16 PM


      • reply
        October 12, 2018 3:03 AM

        I really need to finish Mooncrash. It feels like such a commitment each time you start a character though, you can't really do them in bite sized tries and need to focus on learning the map and item locations. Maybe it gets easier as you level them all up though that sounds like grind rather than challenge.

        • reply
          October 12, 2018 3:07 AM

          I did dozens of runs before the final one where I got everyone off. Most of that time was spent scavenging and upgrading all my powers. I really like the inventory/resource management part of the game, so I’m really thorough in exploration.

          God damn I can’t wait for the dlc.

          • reply
            October 12, 2018 3:51 AM

            That sounds like a bit of a chore. :/ I love Prey, and the idea behind Mooncrash, but I'm not sure I'll get everyone off safely.

            • reply
              October 12, 2018 4:56 AM

              You should hunker down and help those poor souls.

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