Samsung board chairman indicted for alleged sabotage of labor union

The actions in question took place in 2013 when the accused was the CFO.


Lee Sang-hoon, the board chairman of Samsung, has been indicted by South Korean prosecutors for allegedly leading an operation to block a labor union at a Samsung customer service unit. The operation in question took place in 2013 when the accused was the chief financial officer for the company.

Bloomberg reported the indictment along with a statement from prosecution official Kim Soo-hyun saying “This is meaningful in that Samsung’s long-disputed policy of not tolerating labor unions has mostly turned out to be true.” Soo-hyun also added that 27 other people have also been indicted on similar charges.

Lee Sang-Hoon - Source: Bloomberg

Samsung is dealing with legal issues elsewhere as well, with a customer suing for damages after a Samsung Galaxy Note9 combusted in her purse while on an elevator. The Bloomberg report also mentions Samsung Vice President  Jay Y. Lee, who received a suspended prison sentence for corruption related to a former Samsung president. Stay tuned to Shacknews as we try to keep you updated on these and other stories as they unfold.

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