The Cartridge Family 047 - Toxicity in Gaming, Apple Affiliate Program, Octopath Traveler Pt. 3

Our first episode on the brand new - if you've never listened before, what better time then now?


The Cartridge Family, if you're new to the show, is a podcast where four (long-time and short-time) games industry fellas get together every week to talk about what's going on and what used to be going on. We try and keep things light but sometimes we get a little heavy, like today. We do not take ourselves too seriously, so if you're in the mood for a sterile, by-the-numbers deconstruction of the latest Street Fighter's mechanics then you might want to look elsewhere. That said, sometimes Andrew and I talk forever about Octopath Traveler (Check out Part 1 and Part 2 of our Game Club). Also, every week, Chris Buffa describes how he'd murder me but I can't really explain why - you'll have to listen to the show. All in all, its a fun podcast that we hope you'll consider including in your weekly digest.

Today's The Cartridge Family Includes:

  • Parents hiring Fortnite coaches
  • Nintendo's Switches sales milestone of 20 Million units
  • Toxcity in multiplayer gaming
  • Spyro Reignited Trilogy's retail copy mandatory download
  • Apple killing off their affiliate program
  • Part 3 of our Octopath Traveler Game Club

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On Today's Show


Front-end dev, musician and audio engineer. I talk games, games industry as producer on Shack Together. Not funny or smart.

Hello, Meet Lola