Nintendo Extols the Virtues of Supporting Third Party and Indie Devs on Switch
Because there are way too many awesome third party games on Switch.
You've no doubt noticed how many third-party games have made their way to Nintendo Switch, and that's no accident. Nintendo spoke briefly on this in its Financial Results Briefing, along with the fact that we'll be hearing more about Nintendo Switch Online in May and that Nintendo 3DS support will likely continue into 2019 and beyond.
The call discussed games like Rocket League and Stardew Valley, both titles that have amassed a good amount of attention for the console, as fans have "recognized how well they fit with the "anytime, anywhere, with anyone" concept of Nintendo Switch." That's part of the reason why games like the excellent Celeste, Thumper, and Owlboy have also made appearances on the system. It's become a veritable third-party haven, and it's only going to get better from here.

"We want to give as many consumers as possible the chance to find the kinds of games they have always wanted to play. By expanding the game genres and increasing the number of game titles, we anticipate more interest from consumers who originally had little interest in Nintendo platforms," Nintendo stated.
It's obviously working out well for the company, as there continue to be more and more releases announced for Switch, allowing fans to experience games they may not have time for otherwise. It's a whole lot easier to download a bigger RPG or even a shooter and take it everywhere you go than be chained to your big TV at home.
There's obviously a large share of the market here waiting to be tapped, and as the Switch's success grows at an even more exponential rate, we'll be seeing a whole lot more ports and other third-party surprises, guaranteed. It's good to see Nintendo capitalizing on this knowledge.
Brittany Vincent posted a new article, Nintendo Extols the Virtues of Supporting Third Party and Indie Devs on Switch