Players Can Now Review Switch Games On The Nintendo Website

For better or worse, players can now make their voices heard through Nintendo's own official website.


Gamers are an opinionated bunch, and rightfully so — the experience of playing a certain video game will be different for every player, and based on what can be seen around the web, every player wants his or her voice to be heard. Fortunately for them, Nintendo has implemented a new system that will allow fans to post reviews for Nintendo Switch games on the company's own website.

There are plenty of available outlets across the internet that allow players to express their opinions on games, but this new system is rare in that players can directly upload their reviews straight to Nintendo's own website, where it can then be viewed by others potentially interested in buying a game. Naturally, Nintendo has the power of discretion when dealing with these reviews, but from what can be seen, there's nothing stopping players from leaving a bad review. Admittedly, some might tone down their instinct to post banal nonsense due to Nintendo requiring each player to identify themselves, but we'll see how long that lasts once more players start flocking to the service.

Along with fields for both title and body content, reviews on the Nintendo website can also be tagged using a curated selection of different game attributes, the likes of which include "great value," "easy to learn," and the amusingly vague "graphics" option. Players also have the chance to label their own gaming habits between "Nintendo fan," "core gamer," "casual player," and "parent," the latter of which seems to imply a distinct lack of gaming preferences.

This new feature appears to be open to any player with an official Nintendo account, and the system relies on a five-star rating system that should help smooth out the nitpicky nature of dealing with elaborate review scores. To write a review and let their voice be heard, all players need to do is head over to official Nintendo webpage for their favorite games, like this page for The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.

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Kevin Tucker is a core component of Shacknews' powerful guide development team. For questions, concerns, tips, or to share constructive criticism, he can be reached on Twitter @dukeofgnar or through e-mail at

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